Scrivener Errors

Basic error messages for Scrivener filters.


Scrivener errors are returned as a hash with a format like:

{:email => [:not_email], :password => [:not_present]}

This can be represented instead as a string like:

Email is not an email, password can't be blank

ScrivenerErrors will present these error hashes as a string or list of error messages for use in failure notices or form errors.

This also comes with a small plugin for Cuba to get the error message easily, ScrivenerErrors::Helpers.


$ gem install scrivener_errors


# Setup the plugin for Cuba
require "scrivener_errors"
Cuba.plugin ScrivenerErrors::Helpers

# Inside a Cuba action
filter =
if !filter.valid?
  session[:error] = filter_error(filter)
  res.redirect "/some_form"

You can also get a string of comma joined errors for a specific attribute. It does not include the attribute name in this case.

scrivener_errors[:email] # => "is too short, is not an email"


Currently there's no I18n in use. The error messages are from a small English mapped hash at the moment.

An error type that is not found will be represented like "Password is invalid" by default.