
This gem was created to add simple autocomplete and search/filter functionality to Ruby on Rails apps with minimal effort.

Other alternatives available are outdated or aren't as simple, often requiring many external libraries such as jQuery. This gem only requires modules already shipped with Rails and the only external library required is available as a npm package you can add in your webpack files.



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'search_autocomplete'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install search_autocomplete


Add the compatible web component for npm:

yarn add @francisschiavo/search-autocomplete

and then require it anywhere in your scripts:




After installing this gem you can configure its options with an initializer like this:


SearchAutocomplete.configure do |options|
  options.autocomplete_size = 5

You must mount the autocomplete engine like this:


Rails.application.routes.draw do
  mount SearchAutocomplete::Engine, at: '/autocomplete'

To allow your model on the autocomplete search you must configure it like this:

class Category < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :category, optional: true

  autocomplete :name

The example above will allow searches on the name field for the Category model.

To test this you can do a get request to: {APP URL}/autocomplete/category?term=Cat 1

Note /autocomplete is the base uri you specify on the routes and /category is the lowercase name of the model.

You can also search namespaced models by adding the lowercase name of every namespace as part of the URI:

If your model is Admin::User the search would be: {APP URL}/autocomplete/admin/user?term=Roger

You can also specify more filters and additional fields to display instead of the base field:

class Category < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :category, optional: true

  autocomplete :name, %i[name last_name], %i[last_name]

You can search names AND last_names like this: {APP URL}/autocomplete/person?term=Roger&last_name=Smith

Search / Filter

You can use the method search on your controllers as a way to filter data.

This method takes 3 arguments:

  • The model class to perform the search
  • An array of fields to permit approximate matches (like)
  • An array of fields to permit exact matches (=)

Here is a sample of the index action of a category controller:

def index
  @categories = search(Category, %i[name], []).all

You can also use it with pagination gems like kaminari:

def index
  @categories = search(Category, %i[name], []).page(params[:page])

Postgres Jsonb support

There is a limited support for jsonb fields, currently limited to one level deep fields.

To query using a jsonb field you must pass an array as the name argument:

class Category < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :category, optional: true

  autocomplete %i[name pt_BR]

This will use arel infix operators to create the following query:

SELECT * FROM categories WHERE>>'pt_BR' ILIKE "%term%";

Known issues

  • Uses WebComponents requires modern browsers or polyfills
  • There is no automated tests at this moment.
  • There is no support for json fields other than postgres.
  • Json fields are supported but limited to one level deep fields.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.