Seat Selector

A simple Ruby gem example.

Given a JSON input representing the available seats at a public venue, ‘seat_selector’ finds the best available seat(s) (meaning closest to front row, center-stage). If more than one seat is requested, ‘seat_selector’ finds the best available group of adjacent seats (within the same row).


To install:

“ gem install seat_selector


“by require ‘seat_selector’

Pass your JSON-formatted data to SeatSelector.

You’ll get back an array of the best available group of adjacent seats,

or an empty array if no such group is available.

See ./spec/fixtures/valid_data.json for examples of the supported format.

finder = SeatSelector.parse(json_str)

request a single seat

seats = finder.get_best_seats(1)

=> []

request multiple seats

seats = finder.get_best_seats(3)