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An opinionated library for building applications on Kubernetes.

This library builds a framework for doing deployments, secrets management, managing and accessing pods, bootstraping new apps and clusters, and more. It makes decisions about how to run the apps and cluster to make managing the cluster easier.

The vision for Seira is to produce a CLI and set of guidelines that makes deploying apps on Kubernetes as easy as Heroku.

What does the name mean?

Following Kubernetes naming pattern, Seira (Seirá) is greek for "order" or "the state of being well arranged".


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'seira'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install seira

The gem install seira option may be preferred for shorter typing, or generating a binstub is also an option.


This library only currently works with gcloud and kubectl, meaning Google Cloud Platform and Kubernetes.

All commands follow a pattern:

seira <cluster> <app> <category> <param1> <param2> <..>

The only exception is commands on the cluster itself, which does not take an <app>. By making sure to take in a cluster as the first parameter to every command, the intent is to reduce mistake commands on the wrong cluster.

Configuration File

A configuration file is expected at .seira.yml relative path. Below is an example file.

  organization_id: "11111"
      project: org-internal
      cluster: gke_org-internal_us-central1-a_internal
      region: us-central1
      zone: us-central1-b
        - "i"
      project: org-staging
      cluster: gke_org-staging_us-central1-a_staging
      region: us-central1
        - "s"
      project: org-demo
      cluster: gke_org-demo_us-central1-a_demo
      region: us-central1
        - "d"
      project: org-production
      cluster: gke_org-production_us-central1-a_production
      region: us-central1
        - "p"
    - name: app1
      golden_tier: "web"
    - name: app2
      golden_tier: "web"

This specification is read in and used to determine what gcloud context to use and what kubectl cluster to use when operating commands. For example, seira internal will connect to org-internal gcloud configuration and gke_org-internal_us-central1-a_internal kubectl cluster. For shorthand, seira i shorthand is specified as an alias.

Application Configuration Files

Each app can also define configuration files. These files specify details that allow seira to execute commands with minimal user input, and declare aspects of the application. This file lives in the app folder with the name An example configuration file:

# The name of the sql instance as it shows in GCP Cloud SQL UI
primary_sql_instance: app-database-name

Regions and Zones

All clusters should have a region option specified. For zonal clusters (clusters that are NOT regional) should also specify their zone.

Manifest Files

Seira expects your Kubernetes manifests to exist in the "kubernetes/cluster-name/app-name" directory. When a deploy is run on foo app in staging cluster, it looks to kubernetes/staging/foo directory for the manifest files.


  • Each app has all its objects contained in a namespace, named after the app
  • Each app has one or more deployments, and a deployment and all pods created by that deployment have a tier label matching the name of the deployment
  • If using a SQL database (currently only postgresql is supported), pgbouncer is used for connection pooling, and the app uses the secret DATABASE_URL to connect and authenticate to the database

Initial Setup

In order to use Seira, an initial setup is needed. Use the seira setup command to set up each of your clusters in your configuration file.

Current Functionality

All functionality is targeted to be a platform on top of Kubernetes that has a Heroku-like experience.


  • Bootstrap new applications
  • Apply new configurations to an application
  • Scale app tiers
  • Restart an application

Database (Postgres)

  • List postgres instances
  • Create new primary and automatically set the right secrets with configurability such as HA, CPU, Memory.
  • Create a new replica on the primary
  • Pgbouncer yaml generation for all new instances
  • Delete an instance


  • List pods for a given app
  • Connect to a running pod to run commands
  • Run a one-off command such as rails db:migrate


  • List, set, unset secrets

Example Usage

Running Proxy UI

Easily run a proxy UI (kubectl proxy) by using seira staging proxy shorthand.

Applying New Manifest Files

By using seira staging app-name app apply, Seira will find/replace the string "REVISION" in your manifests with the value in the REVISION environment variable and apply the new configs to the cluster. If REVISION is nil, it will ask to use the tag currently being used by the current web deployment.

Setting Secrets

All secrets are stored in appname-secrets Secret object. They are expected to be used via envFrom in manifest files.

seira staging app-name secrets list

seira staging app-name secrets set KEY=value

seira staging app-name secrets get KEY


Pods can be listed and also exec'd into.

seira staging app-name pods list

seira staging app-name pods connect --pod=<POD-NAME>


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


A Github acions workflow will build and push a new release to Github packages on on new tags. You can cut a new release using ./bin/release to push a new tag and trigger a release.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


Future roadmap has plans for:

  • Create CLI help commands and improve general CLI usability
  • More functionality for managing pods
  • More seamless seira setup script


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.