
Check your php-fpm setup over sockets or on their direct ip/port combination. So you avoid checking nginx, apache, XYZ along with the check.


Testing the sockets directly depends on libfcgi0ldbl


This gem will give an actual installation explanation, as the default sensu plugins miss it and the sensu documentation lacks any detailed explanation.

If this gem is listed in, you can just go ahead and do

sensu-install -p sensu-check-php-fpm

If this gem is not listed there, you can still install it; the hard way.

git clone [email protected]:vmpublishing/sensu-checks-php-fpm [SOME_PATH]
/opt/sensu/embedded/bin/gem build *.gemspec
/opt/sensu/embedded/bin/gem install *.gem

Alter /opt/sensu/embedded/bin/gem to the path to the gem-file sensu uses on your machine.


ping check


name parameter_name default value required description
hostname -h, --host yes, unless socket is set This sets the "Host: " HTTP header for the request
port -P, --port 80 no The port of php-fpm to connect to
address -a, --address localhost no The address of php-fpm to connect to. Hostname or IP
query_string -q, --query-string no Optional query string to send along with the path (ie. 'pool=some_pool&sticky_flag=foo' )
ping_path -p, --ping-path /ping no The configured path, where the ping resides. Check your pool config.
response -r, --response pong no The configured response to the ping request
request_timeout -t, --request-timeout 60 no HTTP request timeout. When the sensu timeout is greater than this and this timeout is reached, it will produce a critical error
socket -s, --socket nil no Check ping over the socket, instead over http. This renders 'hostname', 'port', 'address' and 'request_timeout' useless

sample json config file for sockets

  "checks": {
    "check_php_fpm_ping": {
      "command":      "check-php-fpm-ping.rb -s /var/run/php-fpm.sock -p /ping",
      "standalone":   true,
      "subscribers":  ["all"],
      "interval":     10,
      "timeout":      120,
      "ttl":          180

sample json config file for http

  "checks": {
    "check_php_fpm_ping": {
      "command":      "check-php-fpm-ping.rb -a -P 5678 -h -p /ping -t 60",
      "standalone":   true,
      "subscribers":  ["all"],
      "interval":     10,
      "timeout":      120,
      "ttl":          180



name parameter_name default value required description
hostname -h, --host yes, unless socket is set This sets the "Host: " HTTP header for the request
port -P, --port 80 no The port of php-fpm to connect to
address -a, --address localhost no The address of php-fpm to connect to. Hostname or IP
query_string -q, --query-string no Optional query string to send along with the path (ie. 'pool=some_pool&sticky_flag=foo')
status_path -p, --ping-path /status no The configured path, where the status resides. Check your pool config.
request_timeout -t, --request-timeout 60 no HTTP request timeout. When the sensu timeout is greater than this and this timeout is reached, it will produce a critical error
socket -s, --socket nil no Check ping over the socket, instead over http. This renders 'hostname', 'port', 'address' and 'request_timeout' useless
scheme -C, --scheme [hostname].php-fpm no Metric naming scheme, text to prepend to metric and scheme_append
scheme_append -S, --scheme_append nil no Set a string that will be placed right after the host identification and the script identification but before the measurements (ie. hostname.php-fpm.scheme_append.slow_requests)

sample json config file for sockets

  "metrics": {
    "metric_php_fpm_status": {
      "type":         "metric",
      "command":      "metric-php-fpm-status.rb -s /var/run/php-fpm.sock -p /status",
      "standalone":   true,
      "subscribers":  ["all"],
      "interval":     10,
      "timeout":      120,
      "ttl":          180

sample json config file for http

  "metrics": {
    "metric_php_fpm_status": {
      "type":         "metric",
      "command":      "metric-php-fpm-status.rb -a -P 5678 -h -p /ping -t 60",
      "standalone":   true,
      "subscribers":  ["all"],
      "interval":     10,
      "timeout":      120,
      "ttl":          180


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at