Module: Sepa::ErrorMessages

Included in:
AttributeChecks, Client, Response
Defined in:


Contains error messages used in this gem

Constant Summary collapse


Error message which is shown when Client#customer_id validation fails

'Customer Id needs to be present and needs to have a length of less than 17 characters'.freeze

Error message which is shown when Client#environment validation fails

'Environment needs to be either production or test'.freeze

Error message which is shown when Client#target_id validation fails

'Target Id needs to be present and under 80 characters'.freeze

Error message which is shown when Client#file_type validation fails

'File type needs to be present and under 35 characters'.freeze

Error message which is shown when Client#content validation fails

'Content needs to be present for this command'.freeze

Error message which is shown when Client#signing_csr validation fails

'Invalid signing certificate request'.freeze

Error message which is shown when Client#encryption_csr validation fails

'Invalid encryption certificate request'.freeze

Error message which is shown when Client#pin validation fails

'Pin needs to be present for this command and cannot be more than 10 characters'.freeze

Error message which is shown when Client#bank_encryption_certificate validation fails

'Invalid encryption certificate'.freeze

Error message which is shown when Client#status validation fails

'Status is required for this command and must be either NEW, DOWNLOADED or ALL'.freeze

Error message which is shown when Client#file_reference validation fails

'File reference is required for this command and must be under 33 characters'.freeze

Error message which is shown when Client#encryption_private_key validation fails

'Encryption private key is needed for this bank and this command'.freeze

Error message which is shown when Response#response_code validation fails

'The response from the bank suggested there was something wrong with your request, check ' \
'your parameters and try again'.freeze

Error message which is shown when the response got from the bank cannot be decrypted with the private key that is given to the client

'The response could not be decrypted with the private key that you gave. Check that the ' \
'key is the private key of your own encryption certificate'.freeze

Error message which is shown when the hash embedded in the Response soap doesn't match the locally calculated one.

'The hashes in the response did not match which means that the data in the response is not ' \

Error message which is shown when the signature in Response cannot be verified.

'The signature in the response did not verify and the response cannot be trusted'.freeze