
An auto-increment sequence generator - similar to DB's sequence number.


  • PostgreSQL
  • ActiveRecord


  1. Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'seqseq'

  2. And then execute: bundle install

  3. Create model/migration file using SeqSeq generator: rails generate seqseq:install [model_name]

    model_name default to AutoSequence

  4. DB migrate: rake db:migrate


Sequence number will be generate automatically upon first call to next_val. Options start_with & step_by can be provided to customize the sequence generation on sequence creation, subsequent call will ignore these options for existing sequence.

AutoSequence.next_val('product_id', 1)   # => 1

AutoSequence.next_val('product_id', 2, start_with: 11)  # => 11
AutoSequence.next_val('product_id', 2, start_with: 11)  # => 12, start_with has no effect
AutoSequence.next_val('product_id', 2, start_with: 11)  # => 13, start_with has no effect

AutoSequence.next_val('product_id', 3, step_by: 5)   # => 1
AutoSequence.next_val('product_id', 3, step_by: 10)  # => 6,  step_by has no effect
AutoSequence.next_val('product_id', 3, step_by: 20)  # => 11, step_by has no effect


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request