

Creates a BitSet class with methods that allow you to construct and opperate on set instances. A 'Bignum' instance is used internally to store each element of the set. This allows very fast operations when comparing two set instances. Member elements can be represented as positive small integers, or characters. Sets can be constructed with integers, strings, characters, ranges, and arrays. When characters are used, the ordinate value represents the element bit of the internal Bignum.

Additional extensions are made to: String, Array, and Range; these extensions implement most of the basic set operators such as intersection and union. The bits of an internal Bignum instance is used to store the members of the set of non-negative integers. Rather than using a long-winded series of comparison operators, a set can operate very efficiently in a single step. Note that only non-negative integers are possible members of a BitSet instance. This differs from the Set object defined by rails which is more or less an unordered Array of any object. The BitSet object implements a purer mathematical classical set, and permits faster operations on its members. With members constrained to non-negative integers, many more constructs and operations are possible.



There are many ways to create a BitSet instance. Anything that can be converted to a list of positive Integers can be used in the #new method. Also, many types can call #to_bset as an alternate means to creating a BitSet instance. Additionally, there are several binary operators which were previously undefined for certain types that will now return a BitSet instance. BitSet class methods have additional generators as well. This is best seen by example as follows:

require "setfu"

# create empty set
bs =
bs.empty?         # true
bs.to_a           # []

# initialize using a list of positive integers
aaa = 15,27,92,103
aaa.to_a   # [15, 27, 92, 103] 

# initialize using strings
aaa = "Each ord of this string is a set member!"  
aaa.to_ra(false)  # [" ", "!", "E", "a".."i", "m".."o", "r".."t"]

# initialize using ranges
aaa = 0..15, 'a'..'z'
aaa.to_ra(true)  # [0..15, 97..122] 

# initialize using arrays
aaa = [1,2,3],4,5,6,[[[7,8,9]]], "#"
aaa.to_ra       # [1..9, 35]

# converting strings to BitSet instances
aaa = "This string will become a new set with the #to_bset method".to_bset
aaa.to_ra(false)  # [" ", "#", "T", "_", "a".."e", "g".."i", "l".."o", "r".."t", "w"]

# converting ranges to BitSet instances
aaa = (400...425).to_bset
aaa.to_ra  # [400..424]

# converting arrays to BitSet instances
aaa = [5,6,7,8,55..60, "~"].to_bset
aaa.to_ra  # [5..8, 55..60, 126]


BitSet instances support the classical set operators of union, exclusive union, and intersection There are also membership tests for subset and proper set as well as set intersection. Several standard data types do not define some of these operators and are instead defined by BitSet. Array types do define union and intersection but not exclusive union; as there is utility in having an Array exclusive union; setfu defines this as an Array method. When an Array performs an exclusive union with some other type, a BitSet type is created. This is best seen by example as follows:

require "setfu"

# exclusive union  ^
aaa = ('a'..'z') ^ "Cat in the hat"
aaa.to_ra(false)   #  [" ", "C", "b".."d", "f", "g", "j".."m", "o".."s", "u".."z"]
bbb = [1,3,5] ^ [3,6,9]  # returns Array type  [1, 5, 6, 9]
bbb = [1,3,5] ^ [3,6,9].to_bset  # BitSet type  ... bbb.to_a == [1, 5, 6, 9]

# union |
aaa = [1,3,5] | [3,6,9]           # returns Array type == [1, 3, 5, 6, 9]
aaa = [1,3,5] | [3,6,9].to_bset   # returns BitSet type == [1, 3, 5, 6, 9]
aaa = "abcd" | "defg"             # aaa.to_s == "abcdefg"

# intersection &
aaa = [1,2,3,5] & [2,3,4,5,6]         # returns Array type == [2,3,5]
aaa = [1,2,3,5].to_bset & [2,3,4,5,6] # returns BitSet type == [2,3,5]
aaa = "abcdefgh" & "defghijkl"        # aaa.to_s == "defgh"

# set difference -
aaa = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] - [2,4,6,8] # Array type  == [1,3,5,7,9]
aaa = (1..9) - [2,4,6,8]              # BitSet type == [1,3,5,7,9]

# set inversion ~
# note: we must define the bounds of the set before we invert it.
aaa = "a".."z", "A".."Z", "0".."9"
aaa.entropy = 256  # ASCII-8BIT range of 256 possible elements
bbb = ~aaa
bbb.to_ra          # [0..47, 58..64, 91..96, 123..255] 

# subset <=  ...  a <= b  ... true if `a` is a subset of `b`
aaa = [3,4,5,6,7]
[3]     <= aaa        # true
[3,6,7] <= aaa        # true
[1,5,6] <= aaa        # false

# proper subset <  ...  a < b  ... true if `a` is a subset of `b` and `a` != `b`
aaa = [3,4,5,6,7]
[3]     <  aaa        # true
[3,6,7] <  aaa        # true
aaa     <  aaa        # false

# intersection test **  ... a ** b ... true if intersection is not empty
[1,2,3,4,5] ** [4,8]      # true
"team" ** "i"             # false ... there is no "i" in team!

# equality and inequality == !=
(4..7).to_bset == [4,5,6,7]  # true  ...  Note:  left-most must be BitSet type
(4..7).to_bset != [4,5,6,7]  # false

Member Access

BitSet defines array access operators :[] and :[]= as it it were an array of bits. If you pass an Integer type, you will get true (if member of set) or false. Anything else will return a BitSet instance. You can also set or clear members of the set as well. Note that more than one value can be set or cleared. See the example below:

require "setfu"

aaa = 0..9
aaa[4]               # true
aaa[4] = false
aaa.to_ra            # [0..3, 5..9]
aaa[2..8]            # BitSet ... [2, 3, 5..8]
aaa[15..20] = true   # BitSet ... [0..3, 5..9, 15..20]
aaa[1,2,3,4,5,6,7]   # BitSet ... [1..3, 5..7]
aaa[3..17] = false   # BitSet ... [0..2, 18..20] 

Instance Methods


This returns number of elements in the BitSet instance. This method is computationally slow as each and every bit of the internal Bignum must be checked. See below:

primes = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41].to_bset
primes.count  # 13

bitset.each, bitset.each_member, bitset.reverse_each

These methods when called with a block will yield each member of the set as index number values. These can also be called without a block returning an Enumerator object. The #each_member method is identical to #each which yields lower index numbers first.

bitset.add(item), bitset.add!(item)

The #add(item) method creates a new instance whose members comprise self and the union of the item in the parameter list. This is equivalent to bitset_instance | [item]. The bang version #add!(item) self-modifies. The parameter item can be any of the following: Integer, Range, BitSet, or Array. Arrays can include all of the former items any level deep. Note that this method is called by the main constructor which passes an array to this method. Recursion is used to unravel the Array.

bitset.remove(item), bitset.remove!(item)

These methods remove elements from the BitSet instance if they exist.


This is used in a Karnaugh map to find adjacent neighboring cell coordinates. The current bitset instance contains the initial vector in the table. It is best to use the as the constructor. Note that for each variable used in the map, the self-same number determines the total possible number of neighbors. The direction has values 0 to (no_vars-1). For a 5-variable system, we can have left, right, up, down, or over for possible connecting cells. This method is extensively used in the upcoming gatefu gem which deals with logic systems.

bitset.double, bitset.double!

This method doubles the entropy and copies the original bottom to the top half. This doubles the number of elements. The bang version self-modifies while the non-bang version creates a new instance.

bitset.swap(position1, position2), bitset.swap!(position1, position2)

This method looks up the values of position1, and position2 and stores them in swapping fashion. The bang version self modifies, while the non-bang version returns a new instance (without modification of original).


Returns true if p is a subset. Parameter p can be: BitSet, Range, String, Array, or Integer.


Returns true if there are no elements in the BitSet instance.


This removes all elements from the BitSet instance making it empty. Self-modifies.


This sets all possible elements of the set (up to the entropy).


This create and returns a duplicate copy of the BitSet instance.


This replaces the inner content of the current BitSet instance from the item passed to this method. The item will first be converted to a BitSet instance, then its internal contents will transfer.


This returns the internal Integer representing the set.


This returns a string representing the elements of the set. This routine is computationally slow as each bit must be examined.


This returns an array of every element in the set in the form of integers. If the parameter int is set to false, the array is filled with character representations of the number whose ordinal value is that of the integer. This routine is computationally slow as each bit must be examined.

bitset.to_ra(int=true, th=3)

This returns as array filled with either integers or ranges of integers. The threshold parameter decides the minimum range size that will be used. The minimum allowed value for th is 2. The int parameter when set to false will return string characters and string ranges. This routine is computationally slow as each bit must be examined.


This is the inverse of #to_i where the internal Integer gets replaced. Note that you should recalculate the entropy as this defines the bounds of the set. This is only necessary if you need to invert the set elements later on.


This routine should be called after a #set_bits! where you do not know what the entropy value should be.

bitset.entropy, bitset.entropy=(n)

This returns the current entropy number of the set. You can also set this property. Note that this number can only get bigger; like the universe entropy can only increase.


This sets the entropy number to the nearest 2**n that will contain the highest set element.

bitset.first(int=true), bitset.first!(int=true)

This returns the first element of the set, or nil if the set is empty. The first element can be converted to a character if the parameter int is set to false. The bang version removes and returns the first element of the set. The value nil is always returned if the set is empty.

bitset.last(int=true), bitset.last!(int=true)

This returns the last element of the set, or nil if the set is empty. The last element can be converted to a character if the parameter int is set to false. The bang version removes and returns the last element of the set. The value nil is always returned if the set is empty.

bitset.odd, bitset.even

This returns the odd or even elements of the set.

#### bitset.odd!, bitset.even!

The method #odd! retains odd elements and returns the even elements. The method #even! retains even elements and returns the odd elements.

#### bitset.odd?, bitset.even?

This returns true if all elements in the set are odd or even. Note that empty sets are neither even or odd.

bitset.min, bitset.max

This returns the smallest or largest element of the set, or nil if the set is empty. This is the same as #first and #last respectfully.


This returns the largest count of consecutive members.


This returns a new set devoid of isolated elements.


This returns true if the set includes a sequence of runs with a count greater than or equal to n.

Returns a new set of only isolated elements.


Method exported to Array, String, and Range. Returns self if BitSet type. This creates a new BitSet instance., bitset.dec(n=1),!(n=1), bitset.dec!(n=1)

These methods increment or decrement each element of the set. Internally, shifting occurs. The parameter n is the increment (shift) amount. The bang versions self-modify, while the non-bang versions return a new set. Decrementing has the possibility of losing bits, thereby making it non-reversible.

bitset.add_primes(n=100), bitset.add_primes!(n=100)

This is a generator method that adds prime numbers to the current set or creates a new set combining self with generated prime numbers.

bitset.add_parse_chars, bitset.add_parse_chars!

Parse chars comprise the ASCII-7bit characters that are either white space, or non-alpha-numeric characters. These combine with self to form a new set. The bang version self-modifies.

bitset.add_lowercase_chars, bitset.add_lowercase_chars!

This returns the set of ASCII lowercase characters 'a'..'z' combined (union) with the current BitSet instance. The bang version self-modifies.

bitset.add_uppercase_chars, bitset.add_uppercase_chars!

This returns the set of ASCII uppercase characters 'A'..'Z' combined (union) with the current BitSet instance. The bang version self-modifies.

bitset.add_letter_chars, bitset.add_letter_chars!

This returns the set of ASCII letter characters 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z' combined (union) with the current BitSet instance. The bang version self-modifies.

bitset.add_digit_chars, bitset.add_digit_chars!

This returns the set of ASCII number characters '0'..'9' combined (union) with the current BitSet instance. The bang version self-modifies.

bitset.add_lowercase_utf, bitset.add_lowercase_utf!

This returns the set of UTF lowercase Latin and Greek non-ASCII lowercase characters combined (union) with the current BitSet instance. The bang version self-modifies. You can chain this with #add_lowercase_chars to get all lowercase characters. Other UTF characters of other languages are not included.

bitset.add_uppercase_utf, bitset.add_uppercase_utf!

This returns the set of UTF uppercase Latin and Greek non-ASCII lowercase characters combined (union) with the current BitSet instance. The bang version self-modifies. You can chain this with #add_uppercase_chars to get all uppercase characters. Other UTF characters of other languages are not included.

bitset.add_mixcase_utf, bitset.add_mixcase_utf!

There are a few UTF characters that combine two letters, starting with a uppercase and ending with a lowercase. This set of characters are combined (union) with the current BitSet instance. The bang version self-modifies. Other UTF characters of other languages are not included.

bitset.add_dual_lower_utf, bitset.add_dual_lower_utf!

This returns the set of UTF lowercase Latin and Green non-ASCII characters that combine two consecutive characters into one. This set of characters are combined (union) with the current BitSet instance. The bang version self-modifies. Other UTF characters of other languages are not included.

bitset.add_dual_upper_utf, bitset.add_dual_upper_utf!

This returns the set of UTF uppercase Latin and Green non-ASCII characters that combine two consecutive characters into one. This set of characters are combined (union) with the current BitSet instance. The bang version self-modifies. Other UTF characters of other languages are not included.

bitset.add_opposing_case, bitset.add_opposing_case!

This routine looks through the set and wherever there appears a letter character, both upper and lower case versions of that character will be combined (union) with the set. The bang version updates the current set, while the non-bang version returns a new set. This works within the ASCII range only.

bitset.add_opposing_utf_case, bitset.add_opposing_utf_case!

This routine (a tad slower) looks at all letter characters, both ASCII and UTF, then adds the case changed letter to the set. The bang version updates the current set, while the non-bang version returns a new set.

bitset.rand(n, return_type= :bset), bitset.rand!(n, return_type= :set)

This routine selects n random elements of the set in order to form a subset. The bang version (rand!) retains the n random elements, and returns the remainder thereby splitting the set in two. Passing a value of zero returns all elements of the set which is meaningless if the return type is a BitSet type; this is because there is no implied order of a set, so this simply returns the set. There is however meaning if we set the return type to something else. The return type defaults to a BitSet type; or we can specify a different return type by setting the return_type parameter to one of the following symbols as follows:

:array        # returns an array of Integers
:array_chars  # returns an array of String characters
:string       # returns a String
:bset         # returns a new BitSet instance

bitset.split, bitset.split!

This bisects the set into two roughly equally sized sets and returns an array of two sets. The first set contains the lower elements, while the second set contains the higher elements. The bang version retaines the lower elements are returns the higher elements.

Utility Methods on standard objects


This is similar to array.pop(2) except that the returning array is reversed.


This reverses the data values of the last two elements of the array.


This rotates the last three values of the array as seen the the example below:

  array = [1,2,3,4,5]
  array.stack_rot  #  [1, 2, 5, 3, 4]


This indexes the array from right to left.


Returns true if elements of the array are sorted in ascending order, have two or more elements, and first element not equal to last element.


Returns true if elements of the array are sorted in descending order, have two or more elements, and first element not equal to last element.


Returns true if elements of the array are sorted in either ascending or descending order, and have one or more elements.

BitSet Class Methods

BitSet.generate_pattern(num_bits, zero_first_flag, num_zeros, num_ones)

This generates BitSet instance with a pattern of contiguous ones(elements of the set) and zeros(voids of the set) starting from position zero and stopping on the num_bits parameter. See the example below:

bs = BitSet.generate_pattern(19, false, 3, 5)
bs.to_ra # [0..4, 8..12, 16..18], ent=nil)

This constructor sets the internal Integer instance to int and if provided, sets the internal entropy to ent. If not provided, the entropy will be automatically calculated.

BitSet.fill(num_elements, start=0)

This constructs a BitSet instance with contiguous values set to the parameter num_elements. The parameter start specifies the starting position of lowest element. As an example, we can create a set of lowercase ASCII letters as follows:

aa = BitSet.fill(26,'a')  # same as ['a'..'z'].to_bset

BitSet.uppercase_chars, BitSet.lowercase_chars, BitSet.letter_chars

These methods create sets from the standard ASCII character set. These are as follows: 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', and the combination of the former respectfully.


These method creates a set from the standard ASCII character set representing '0'..'9' inclusive.


This is the set of ASCII characters that are typically used as language tokens. Pretty much everything that is not a number character or a letter character; this set also includes the space character and all control characters.


This creates a set comprising of UTF Latin and Greek characters that are considered uppercase. This set does not include ASCII characters, nor does it include dual (two letters in one glyph) characters. If the parameter is set to false, a string is instead returned.


This creates a set comprising of UTF Latin and Greek characters that are considered lowercase. This set does not include ASCII characters, nor does it include dual (two letters in one glyph) characters. If the parameter is set to false, a string is instead returned.


This creates a set comprising of UTF Latin and Greek characters that are dual (two letters in one glyph) uppercase characters. This set does not include ASCII characters. If the parameter is set to false, a string is instead returned.


This creates a set comprising of UTF Latin and Greek characters that are dual (two letters in one glyph) lowercase characters. This set does not include ASCII characters. If the parameter is set to false, a string is instead returned.


This creates a set comprising of UTF Latin and Greek characters that are dual (two letters in one glyph) where the two combined characters have both an uppercase character and a lowercase character. This set does not include ASCII characters. If the parameter is set to false, a string is instead returned.


This returns the hash that pairs uppercase utf characters with their lowercase counterparts. The internal hash is stored using integer keys and values. When this method is called with the parameter set to true, a new hash is created with string keys and values; otherwise the internal hash is returned. This internal hash is used on the instance method #add_opposing_utf_case.


This method creates a blank slate on the internal hash that contains the utf case pairs.


This method restores the internal hash that contains the utf case pairs to its default state.


This method removes specific keys from the internal hash that contains the utf case pairs to its default state. You can pass a string or an array that represents the keys that you wish to remove. You should remove both the key and its value as the value is also a key in the hash.


This method adds additional key-value pairs to the utf case pairs hash. The string should be even as both key and value are reversible.


This class method restores the following five utf sets: ::uppercase_utf_chars, ::lowercase_utf_chars, ::mixcase_utf_chars, ::dual_uppercase_utf_chars, ::dual_lowercase_utf_chars.


This class method empties the following five utf sets: ::uppercase_utf_chars, ::lowercase_utf_chars, ::mixcase_utf_chars, ::dual_uppercase_utf_chars, ::dual_lowercase_utf_chars.


This class method modifies the following five utf sets: ::uppercase_utf_chars, ::lowercase_utf_chars, ::mixcase_utf_chars, ::dual_uppercase_utf_chars, ::dual_lowercase_utf_chars. A list of parameters requires a command, a target, and a list of characters. This is best explained by example as follows:

# parameters:
# :rm           ... remove command
# :add          ... add command
# :upper        ... targets ::uppercase_utf_chars
# :lower        ... targets ::lowercase_utf_chars
# :mix          ... targets ::mixcase_utf_chars
# :dual_upper   ... targets ::dual_uppercase_utf_chars
# :dual_lower   ... targets ::dual_lowercase_utf_chars
# example:

BitSet.modify_utf_sets(:add, :dual_upper, 8482)  # add trade mark as valid
BitSet.modify_utf_sets(:rm,  :dual_upper, 8482)  # undo the above

Tuple Processing

Tuples require a bit of explanation and some definitions. A group is a collection of sets, in this case, an Array of BitSet instances. A tuple is a set whereby it represents a group which holds the same number of sets as the order of the tuple; this group's union must be equal to the tuple set. Also, a tuple cannot be an empty set. The order of a tuple is the number of elements that it holds. One more rule, is that a tuple group cannot include lower ordered tuple groups. As most of the processing is performed upon a group of sets, these methods are implemented on the Array class. Now that you are totally confused, a few examples should help clear things up as follows:

bs = [5].to_bset 
BitSet.tuple? [bs]  #  true, group of 1 same as union of all

s1 = [4,9].to_bset
s2 = [4,9].to_bset
s3 = [4,5].to_bset
[s1,s2].tuple?     # true, set of two same as: s1 | s2 
[s1,s2,s3].tuple?  # false, order 2 found in group
[s2,s3].tuple?     # false, order 3 tuple does not match 2 set items
[s1,s2].tuple      # returns BitSet[s1,s2]
[s2,s3].tuple      # returns nil, or invalid tuple
[s1,s2,s3].tuple   # returns nil, or invalid tuple

s1 = [4,9].to_bset
s2 = [5,9].to_bset
s3 = [4,5].to_bset
[s1,s2,s3]tuple?   # true, order 3, and s1 | s2 | s3 == [4,5,9]
[s1,s2,s3].tuple   # returns BitSet [4,5,9]

s1 = [7,8].to_bset
s2 = [3,9].to_bset
s3 = [3,7].to_bset
s4 = [3,7,8,9].to_bset
[s1,s2,s3,s4].tuple?  # true, order 4, and s1 | s2 | s3 | s4 == [3,7,8,9]
[s1,s2,s3,s4]tuple    # returns BitSet [3,7,8,9]

As you can see from the example, higher ordered tuples exponentially grow in complexity.


This routine examines the group (array of sets) and collects tuples starting from lower order tuples first. These lower-ordered tuples are removed from consideration when locating higher-ordered tuples. Violations are tuples that have too many matches in a sub-group for that particular order. Incomplete tuples which would have been considered an error are ignored.

This routine returns an array of two groups of sets. The first group is the collection of sub-tuples found in the group. The second array returns the tuple violations. See the example below:

group = []
group.push [1,2].to_bset
group.push [7,8].to_bset
group.push [4,5].to_bset
group.push [3,4,5].to_bset
group.push [3,5].to_bset
group.push [3,4,5,7,8,9].to_bset
group.push [7,8].to_bset
group.push [1,2,5,6,9].to_bset
group.push [1,2].to_bset
rslt = group.tuples
valid_tuples = rslt.first  # finds 3
error_tuples = rslt.last   # empty ... no violations
valid_tuples[0].to_a   # [1,2]
valid_tuples[1].to_a   # [7,8]
valid_tuples[2].to_a   # [3,4,5]


This routine calls BitSet.tuples class method and applies that knowledge to reducing each member of that group. If a group member contains a proper set of one of the found tuples, that member subtracts that particular tuple from its elements. This knowledge can be used to solve Sudoku puzzles. In fact, the rspec spec file includes a Sudoku puzzle that gets solved from this singular rule. The routine returns the number of reductions performed. The group is self-modified with the reduced sets. Using the same group from the previous example, we get the following result:

group[0].to_a   # [1,2]
group[1].to_a   # [7,8]
group[2].to_a   # [4,5]
group[3].to_a   # [3,4,5]
group[4].to_a   # [3,5]
group[5].to_a   # [9]
group[6].to_a   # [7,8]
group[7].to_a   # [6,9]   ... second pass [6]
group[8].to_a   # [1,2]

We notice from the first reduction another tuple [9] was created. This means another pass will further reduce the group. The first pass only uses the tuples it found in the first pass which were 3. The second pass will find 4 tuples which will further reduce the group. If you pass a large number on the second parameter, the routine will continually evaluate until no reduction occurs, or the pass_count counts down to zero.


This utility method converts elements of the array to BitSets instances.


During the reduction process some items in the array get tagged. This routine clears such tagging. This is a utility method called by the #reduce_tuples method.

case subsumption operator ===

The === operator has special meaning in ruby. It is known as the case subsumption operator. It is used during the case when statements as its comparison means. The left side of the operator's type is the owner and defines what it means to have the right side passed to it. It is like a method call: my_left_instance.tripple_equals(right_instance). You could call like this: (1..3).===(2) returning true. This is the same as: (1..3) === 2. Note that Array does not define this operator so the following expression returns false: [1,2,3] === 2 It turns out if you don't define it, Kernel will define it for you which will look more or less like ==. The default behavior for a BitSet instance is a test for equality; but this can be changed on an instance by instance basis.


This instance method defines the meaning of the === operator for the current instance variable. There are six different modes of operation as follows:

#  where `x` is the current BitSet instance variable, and `y` is a BitSet friendly type.
# :mode_intersection ... (x===y) true if x ** y
# :mode_equal        ... (x===y) true if x == y
# :mode_sub          ... (x===y) true if y <= x
# :mode_proper       ... (x===y) true if y < x
# :mode_super        ... (x===y) true if x <= y
# :mode_superproper  ... (x===y) true if x < y

x = ('a'..'z').to_bset
x.set_case :mode_intersection
x === "Fred"  # true  'r', 'e', 'd' all intersect
x === "RED"   # false

x.set_case :mode_proper
x === "Fred"  # false
x === "fred"  # true
x === x       # false, not a proper set

x.set_case :mode_superproper
x === x           # false
x === "Fred"      # false , "Fred" is not a superset of x
x === "Fred" | x  # true

A powerful use of the BitSet object is within the context of a case statement. Normally, case statements test for equality and use the === operator for each when clause. The BitSet class overloads the === operator, and adds new behavior by means of the #set_case method. This is best illustrated by example as follows:

Upper =
Lower =
Digits = ('0'..'9').to_bset
Identifier = Upper | Lower | Digits

def string_test(test)
  case test.to_bset.set_case(:mode_sub)
    when Digits
      puts "Number"
    when Upper
      puts "Upper"
    when Lower
      puts "Lower"
    when Identifier
      case test[0].to_bset.set_case(:mode_intersection)
        when Digits
          puts "Illegal Identifier"
        when Lower
          puts "Identifier"  
        when Upper
          puts "Constant Identifier"  
      puts "???"

string_test("Const")  # Constant Identifier
string_test("nice1")  # Identifier
string_test("nice")   # Lower
string_test("BIG")    # Upper
string_test("123")    # Number
string_test("8oops")  # Illegal Identifier
string_test("5 5 5")  # ???

From the above, we see that the first-level case compares using :mode_sub and the second-level case statement uses an intersection test. An equality test in this context would be useless. An interesting behavior of the === operator when applied to case statements is the first opperand applies to the when clause, while the last opperand applies to the case clause. This necessitates a right-to-left association when === is used by itself. The intent is to target the behavior of the case statement. The #set_case attribute can be applied to the first or last opperand or both; the right opperand takes precedence however.

Revision History

Version 3.1.0

  • added constructor
  • added BitSet.generate_pattern constructor
  • added BitSet methods: neighbor, double, double!, swap, swap! set_all!
  • added Array stack methods: pop2, stack_swap, stack_rot, peek
  • added Array utility methods: ascending?, descending?, sorted?

Version 3.0.1

  • updated @@TRANS_HASH to include missing translation: (422,640)
  • updated this document

Version 3.0.0

  • added tuple processing
  • added BitSet.fill construction method
  • updated utf methods
  • fixed range bugs
  • includes gems: primitive_wrapper, pred, betterobject, yieldhelper

Older Versions

See to get older documents.


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gem 'setfu'

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$ gem install setfu


I need to control this for the time being