
sgem is a simple, minimalistic way to build and publish gems using rake.

sgem is based on the excellent mg (written by Ryan Tomayko, extracted by Simon Rozet).


In your Rakefile:

require 'sgem/auto'

The following tasks are now available:

rake archive      # build archive into pkg/
rake gem          # build gem into pkg/
rake gem:install  # build and install as local gem
rake gem:publish  # push the gem to
rake package      # build gem and archive into pkg/

If you do not trust sgem to automatically determine your gemspec, you may provide it manually:

require 'sgem'

sgem 'project.gemspec'

You may customize the output directory and archive format (as supported by git-archive) through either Ruby:

require 'sgem/auto'

SGem.package_dir    = 'dist'
SGem.archive_format = '.zip'

...or environment variables:

$ DEST=dist rake package


sgem is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.