Welcome to Shipping
Shipping is a module that connects APIs for various shippers like UPS and FedEx.
gem install shipping
svn co rufy.com/svn/shipping/trunk
There is going to be some data that will persist for all connections. For example, you will not want to repeat the fedex account number every time in your implementation code. To set default values, setup a file called .shipping.yml in the home directory of the user who will be using this library. An example file would be:
fedex_url: https://gatewaybeta.fedex.com/GatewayDC
fedex_account: 1234556
fedex_meter: 387878
ups_account: 7B4F74E3075AEEFF
ups_user: username
ups_password: password
You can set as many default values as you would like in this file.
require 'shipping'
ups = Shipping::UPS.new :zip => 97202, :sender_zip => 10001, :weight => 2
ups.price => 8.77
ups.valid_address? => false
ups.city = "Portland"
ups.valid_address? => true
Alternately, you can instantiate the base class and then see both UPS and FedEx information.
ship = Shipping::Base.new :zip => 97202, :state => "OR", :sender_zip => 10001, :weight => 2
ship.ups.price => 8.77
ship.fedex.price => 5.17
ship.city = "Portland"
ship.ups.valid_address? => true
Lucas Carlson ([email protected])
This library is released under the terms of the GNU LGPL.