
This gem provides a simplified way to get metrics and traces from AWS Lambda functions written for the Ruby 2.5 runtime.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'signalfx-lambda'

And then execute:

$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle


Add this line to the top of your file:

require 'signalfx/lambda'

To use the wrapper, register source.SignalFx::Lambda::Tracing.wrapped_handler in the console, where source is your Ruby source file. Then somewhere after your handler function definition, the function can be registered to be automatically traced:

# this is the original handler
def handler(event:, context:)

SignalFx::Lambda.register_handler(metrics: true, tracing: true, &method(:handler))

register_handler will accept any block.

If passing in a block parameter, it must be the last argument.

It also takes these optional arguments:

  • metrics: Enable reporting of metrics. Default: true
  • tracing: Enable tracing. Default: true

Endpoint configuration

If metrics and traces should be reported to a common endpoint, as is the case when using the Smart Gateway, a single environment variable should be set:


If the component-specific URLs below are set, they will take precedence over SIGNALFX_ENDPOINT_URL for those components.

By default, the metrics and traces will be reported to the us0 realm. If you are not in this realm you will need to set the SIGNALFX_TRACING_URL and SIGNALFX_METRICS_URL environment variables, as described below.

Tracer configuration

The tracer used by the function is configured through environment variables:


In production, SIGNALFX_TRACING_URL should be pointing to your Smart Gateway. When pointing to the Smart Gateway, an access token is not needed. When not configured, the ingest URL defaults to, which requires an access token to be configured.

The default SIGNALFX_TRACING_URL points to the us0 realm. If you are not in this realm, you will need to set the environment variable to the correct realm ingest endpoint ( To determine what realm you are in, check your profile page in the SignalFx web application (click the avatar in the upper right and click My Profile).

The tracer will be persisted across invocations to the same context, reducing the time needed for tracer initialization.

SignalFx client configuration

The SignalFx client requires the following environment variables to be set:


When SIGNALFX_METRICS_URL is pointing to a Smart Gateway in production, the access token is not needed.

The metrics URL will default to when not configured.

The default SIGNALFX_METRICS_URL points to the us0 realm. If you are not in this realm, you will need to set the environment variable to the correct realm ingest endpoint ( To determine what realm you are in, check your profile page in the SignalFx web application (click the avatar in the upper right and click My Profile).

Trace and tags

The wrapper will generate a trace per function invocation. The parent span will be named with the pattern lambda_ruby_<function_name>. The span prefix can be optionally configured with the SIGNALFX_SPAN_PREFIX environment variable:

$ SIGNALFX_SPAN_PREFIX=custom_prefix_

This will make spans have the name custom_prefix_<function_name>

Each span will also have the following tags:

  • component: ruby-lambda-wrapper
  • lambda_arn: the full ARN of the invocation
  • aws_request_id: the identifier of the invocation request
  • aws_region: the region that the function executed in
  • aws_account_id: id of the account this function ran for
  • aws_function_name: the function name set for this Lambda
  • aws_function_version: the function version
  • aws_execution_env: the name of the runtime environment running this function
  • log_group_name: log group for the function
  • log_stream_name: log stream for the instance
  • function_wrapper_version: the version of this wrapper gem being used

If a qualifier is present in the ARN, depending on the resource type, either aws_function_qualifier or event_source_mappings will be tagged.


When metrics are enabled, the following datapoints are sent to SignalFx:

Metric Name Type Description
function.invocations Counter Count number of Lambda invocations
function.cold_starts Counter Count number of cold starts
function.errors Counter Count number of errors captured from underlying Lambda handler
function.duration Gauge Execution time of the underlying Lambda handler in milliseconds

Each datapoint has the following dimensions:

  • metric_source: ruby-lambda-wrapper
  • lambda_arn: the full ARN of the invocation
  • aws_region: the region that the function executed in
  • aws_account_id: id of the account this function ran for
  • aws_function_name: the function name set for this Lambda
  • aws_function_version: the function version
  • aws_function_qualifier: function version qualifier, which will be a version or version alias if it is not an event source mapping invocation
  • event_source_mappings: function name if it is an event source mapping invocation
  • aws_execution_env: the name of the runtime environment running this function
  • function_wrapper_version: the version of this wrapper gem being used
  • log_group_name: log group for the function
  • log_stream_name: log stream for the instance

Manual Instrumentation


Manual tracing may be useful to get a better view into the function. The OpenTracing global tracer makes the tracer used by the wrapper available when more specific instrumentation is desired.

require 'opentracing'

OpenTracing.global_tracer.start_active_span("span_name") do |scope|



These manually created spans will automatically be nested, with the span for the Lambda handler as the parent.

For more examples of usage, please see opentracing-ruby.


Your function can be manually instrumented to send additional metrics using the already configured SignalFx client.

SignalFx::Lambda::Metrics.client.send(counters: ..., gauges: ..., cumulative_counters: ...)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.