
Entitlements in Redis. A simple semantic wrapper around Redis hashes for adding, removing, retrieving and checking existence of entitlements.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'silver_spoon'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install silver_spoon



SilverSpoon.configure do |configuration|
  configuration.redis =
  configuration.namespace = 'silver_spoon'
  configuration.default_scope = 'entitlements'

The hash key used in looking up entitlements for a given id is as follows:


You can use the scope property in the various calls to retrieve entitlement data in another context. This may be useful if you want to allow, for example, entitlements for multiple games or different membership products.

Adding entitlements:

add_entitlement(id, entitlement_key, entitlement_value, scope = SilverSpoon.default_scope)
add_entitlements(id, entitlement_keys, entitlement_values, scope = SilverSpoon.default_scope)

Removing entitlements:

remove_entitlement(id, entitlement_key, scope = SilverSpoon.default_scope)
remove_entitlements(id, entitlement_keys, scope = SilverSpoon.default_scope)

Checking entitlements:

has_entitlement?(id, entitlement_key, scope = SilverSpoon.default_scope)
has_entitlements?(id, entitlement_keys, scope = SilverSpoon.default_scope)

Retrieving entitlements:

retrieve_entitlement(id, entitlement_key, scope = SilverSpoon.default_scope)
retrieve_entitlements(id, entitlement_keys, scope = SilverSpoon.default_scope)

Complete example:

require 'silver_spoon'
 => true 
SilverSpoon.configure do |configuration|
  configuration.redis =
  configuration.namespace = 'silver_spoon'
  configuration.default_scope = 'entitlements'
 => "entitlements" 
SilverSpoon.has_entitlement?('david', 'an_entitlement')
 => false 
SilverSpoon.add_entitlement('david', 'an_entitlement', 'an_entitlement_value')
 => "OK" 
SilverSpoon.add_entitlement('david', 'another_entitlement', 'another_entitlement_value')
 => "OK" 
SilverSpoon.has_entitlements?('david', ['an_entitlement', 'another_entitlement'])
 => [true, true] 
SilverSpoon.has_entitlement?('david', 'unknown_entitlement')
 => false 
SilverSpoon.retrieve_entitlements('david', ['an_entitlement', 'another_entitlement'])
 => {"an_entitlement"=>"an_entitlement_value", "another_entitlement"=>"another_entitlement_value"} 


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Copyright (c) 2012 David Czarnecki. See LICENSE for further details.