
Simple utility to send / consume messages via RabbitMQ, based on ruby-amqp/bunny ruby gem.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'simple_rabbit'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it manually:

$ gem install simple_rabbit


Establishing connection:

To establish connection run this once. It can go to any kind of initializer script.

SimpleRabbit::Connection.get(user: "rabbitmquser", pass: "rabbitpass", host: "localhost:5672")

It accepts all configuration params available in Bunny gem.

Publishing message

Once connection has been established you can run following to publish message to queue called 'sample_queue'.

SimpleRabbit::Publisher.publish("sample_queue", "This is the message body")

It creates durable queue, that gets initialized on demand.

Creating consumer worker

To create consumer worker that reacts to messages published in 'sample_queue' define worker as below:"sample_queue") do |message|
  puts "Hey I've received message with body: '#{message}'"
  # do sth

All workers are set to use manual acknowledgement, so in other words if worker fails with some sort of exception, the message can be handled by different worker.