
A brutally simple wrapper on the API. The library that powers Love4Movies.


gem 'simple_themoviedb'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install simple_themoviedb


First of all, initialize a client:

require 'simple_themoviedb'
@client ='your-api-key')

The SimpleTheMovieDB::Client has a few methods at your disposal:

  • #search

Accepts one string (the query) as parameter. Returns an Array of Hashes. Each Hash contains a summarized version of the movie data.'The Wolf of Wall Street')
 => [{"vote_count"=>8895, "id"=>106646, "video"=>false, "vote_average"=>7.9, "title"=>"The Wolf of Wall Street", "popularity"=>36.903397, "poster_path"=>"/vK1o5rZGqxyovfIhZyMELhk03wO.jpg", "original_language"=>"en", "original_title"=>"The Wolf of Wall Street", "genre_ids"=>[80, 18, 35], "backdrop_path"=>"/rP36Rx5RQh0rmH2ynEIaG8DxbV2.jpg", "adult"=>false, "overview"=>"A New York stockbroker refuses to cooperate in a large securities fraud case involving corruption on Wall Street, corporate banking world and mob infiltration. Based on Jordan Belfort's autobiography.", "release_date"=>"2013-12-25"}, {"vote_count"=>0, "id"=>423766, "video"=>false, "vote_average"=>0, "title"=>"The Wolf of Wall Street", "popularity"=>1.00119, "poster_path"=>"/aNGsE1nVtQHu4pvPzNvqVaczztb.jpg", "original_language"=>"en", "original_title"=>"The Wolf of Wall Street", "genre_ids"=>[], "backdrop_path"=>nil, "adult"=>false, "overview"=>"A ruthless stockbroker sells short in the copper business and ruins the life of his friends by ruining their finances.", "release_date"=>"1929-02-09"}] 
  • #get_movie

Accepts one integer (the ID) as parameter. Returns the full data for the given movie.

 => {"adult"=>false, "backdrop_path"=>"/rP36Rx5RQh0rmH2ynEIaG8DxbV2.jpg", "belongs_to_collection"=>nil, "budget"=>100000000, "genres"=>[{"id"=>80, "name"=>"Crime"}, {"id"=>18, "name"=>"Drama"}, {"id"=>35, "name"=>"Comedy"}], "homepage"=>"", "id"=>106646, "imdb_id"=>"tt0993846", "original_language"=>"en", "original_title"=>"The Wolf of Wall Street", "overview"=>"A New York stockbroker refuses to cooperate in a large securities fraud case involving corruption on Wall Street, corporate banking world and mob infiltration. Based on Jordan Belfort's autobiography.", "popularity"=>35.903397, "poster_path"=>"/vK1o5rZGqxyovfIhZyMELhk03wO.jpg", "production_companies"=>[{"id"=>14654, "logo_path"=>nil, "name"=>"EMJAG Productions", "origin_country"=>""}, {"id"=>4, "logo_path"=>"/fycMZt242LVjagMByZOLUGbCvv3.png", "name"=>"Paramount", "origin_country"=>"US"}, {"id"=>19177, "logo_path"=>nil, "name"=>"Red Granite Pictures", "origin_country"=>""}, {"id"=>562, "logo_path"=>"/k3NsSdV854UX4zEReX1dl1Psxbb.png", "name"=>"Appian Way", "origin_country"=>"US"}, {"id"=>23243, "logo_path"=>nil, "name"=>"Sikelia Productions", "origin_country"=>""}], "production_countries"=>[{"iso_3166_1"=>"US", "name"=>"United States of America"}], "release_date"=>"2013-12-25", "revenue"=>392000694, "runtime"=>180, "spoken_languages"=>[{"iso_639_1"=>"fr", "name"=>"Français"}, {"iso_639_1"=>"en", "name"=>"English"}], "status"=>"Released", "tagline"=>"EARN. SPEND. PARTY.", "title"=>"The Wolf of Wall Street", "video"=>false, "vote_average"=>7.9, "vote_count"=>8898} 
2.5.1 :031 
  • #get_images

Accepts one integer (the movie ID) as parameter. Returns an Array of Hashes with information on the images The MovieDatabase has of that particular movie.

  • #get_cast

Accepts one integer (the movie ID) as parameter. Returns a Hash with three keys: id, cast and crew. ID is self-explanatory. Cast and crew are array of hashes with information on each member of the cast and the crew of the movie

  • #get_person

Accepts one integer (the person ID) as parameter. Returns the full data for the given person.

  • #get_person_images

Accepts one integer (the person ID) as parameter. Returns an Array of Hashes with information on the images The MovieDatabase has of that particular person.

  • #get_person_credits

Accepts one integer (the person ID) as parameter. Returns a Hash with three keys: id, cast and crew. ID is self-explanatory. Cast and crew are array of hashes with information on the roles taken by this particular person in all of his movies, as an actor or as a crew-member.

  • #get_configuration

Accepts no parameters. Returns information about the parameters accepted by The Movie Database.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/simple_themoviedb. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.