
A super simple framework for creating dynamic websites with Ruby and ERB. Basically PHP-style web development in Ruby. The main purpose is to teach web development to beginners.


Just install the gem by running gem install simplerb

Getting Started

To create a new project called hello_world, run this from the console:

simplerb new hello_world

This will create a directory called hello_world with some files and subdirectories in it:

 - hello_world
   \_ views
   |_ public

Now you can start the server by running simplerb server. Open your browser and visit http://localhost:9292: if everything is up and running you should now see a page with some greetings.

Adding pages

You can add pages by creating erb files in the views directory. For example, try creating a file views/hello.erb containing the text "Hello, World!". Now, if you visit http://localhost:9292/hello, you should see that text.

If you want to reuse a part of a page (a "partial") in multiple pages, just extract it into a separate file with a name starting with an underscore (e.g. _my_shared_content). Then, within a page, call <%= partial 'my_shared_content' %> to render the partial.

Static files

Any static file that you put in the public folder will be served at the corresponding URL, so if you create a file public/styles/my_style.css, it will be served at http://localhost:9292/styles/my_style.css.