Sinatra Cyclist Multi

This is a fork of the original gem vrish88/sinatra_cyclist, thank you vrish88.

Added option to use multiple cycled routes.

cycled routes routes pages cycle time
first-cycled-route ['dashboard1', 'dashboard2', 'dash3'] 10
another-cycled-route ['dashboard12', 'dashboardY'] 5
prod-cycle-route ['dashi', 'dashou', 'dashbord36'] 45


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sinatra_cyclist_multi'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install sinatra_cyclist_multi

Installation into your code depends on how you are using Sinatra.


If you need only one cycled route you can use vrish88/sinatra_cyclist gem or set only one cycled route:

  set :cycles_configuration, [
    {cycled_route: '_cycle', routes: [:page1, :page2], cycle_duration: 15},
    {cycled_route: '_cycle2', routes: [:page12, :page3, :page4], cycle_duration: 5},
    {cycled_route: '_prod', routes: [:page7, :page4, :page5, :page6], cycle_duration: 45},


If you are using dashing update your to look something like:

require "sinatra/cyclist"
require 'dashing'

configure do
  set :auth_token, 'YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN'

  helpers do
    def protected!
     # Put any authentication code you want in here.
     # This method is run before accessing any resource.

map Sinatra::Application.assets_prefix do
  run Sinatra::Application.sprockets

set :cycles_configuration, [
  {cycled_route: '_cycle', routes: [:page1, :page2], cycle_duration: 15},
  {cycled_route: '_cycle2', routes: [:page12, :page3, :page4], cycle_duration: 5},
  {cycled_route: '_prod', routes: [:page7, :page4, :page5, :page6], cycle_duration: 45},

run Sinatra::Application
  • Require sinatra_cyclist_multi before dashing otherwise you will see this error:

    No such file or directory - sample/dashboards/_cycle.erb

  • Set the routes_to_cycle_through before running the application.

Classic Applications

Require the gem and specify the routes you want to cycle through.

require "sinatra"
require "sinatra/cyclist"

set :cycles_configuration, [
  {cycled_route: '_cycle', routes: [:page1, :page2], cycle_duration: 30},

get "/page_1" do
  "Page 1"

get "/page_2" do
  "Page 2"

Modular Applications

Require the gem, explicitly register the extension, and specify the routes.

require "sinatra/base"
require "sinatra/cyclist"

class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
  register Sinatra::Cyclist

  set :cycles_configuration, [
    {cycled_route: '_cycle', routes: [:page1, :page2], cycle_duration: 30},

  get "/page_1" do
    "Page 1"

  get "/page_2" do
    "Page 2"


Now visit one of your configured cycled routes /_cycle/#{cycled_route} to start cycling!

You can also specify a duration (in seconds) in the params to the cycle action{cycled_route}?duration=10

/!\ Do not use this gem with the original, it will conflict /!\

Try it with on Dashing

You can try with the Dockerfile in test folder. Considering you have a working docker installation you can run:

  cd sinatra_cyclist_multi/test
  docker build -t nfaa/cyclist . && docker run --name cyclist -p8080:3030 nfaa/cyclist

There are three cycled routes configured:

  http://{docker host ip}:8080/_cycle/_cycle
  http://{docker host ip}:8080/_cycle/cycle
  http://{docker host ip}:8080/_cycle/prod


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request