
Sinatra + Angular Base App Generator

Development Boostrap

Install singu gem with provides base app generator

gem install singu

To create new application in current directory run

singu app_name

To start sinatra app server run


Then you can open


Possible options

  • --gems [array] => add following gems to Gemfile and install them singu [your_app_name] --gems haml pry
  • --skip-angular [boolean] => don't append client dir with base angular app singu [your_app_name] --skip-angular=true
  • --template [hash] => install sinatra and angular apps from external github repos singu [your_app_name] --template sinatra:regedarek.singu-custom-sinatra-app angular:regedarek/singu-custom-angular-app

Application Structure

Generator proceeds

CodeĀ» singu your_app
      create  your_app
      create  your_app/.gitignore
      create  your_app/Gemfile
      create  your_app/Procfile
      create  your_app/Rakefile
      create  your_app/app.rb
      create  your_app/app/lib/db.rb
      create  your_app/app/models.rb
      create  your_app/app/models/
      create  your_app/app/routes.rb
      create  your_app/app/routes/base.rb
      create  your_app/
       exist  your_app
      create  your_app/client/Gruntfile.js
      create  your_app/client/app/index.html
      create  your_app/client/package.json
         run  git init . from "./your_app"
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/rege/Code/your_app/.git/
         run  bundle from "./your_app"

To release new version of singu

Commit changes and then

git tag -a v0.0.*
git push origin master --tags
gem build singu.gemspec
gem push singu-0.0.*.gem

gem update singu