
A simple wrapper to decode SIPP/ACRISS car codes.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sipp'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install sipp


code = 'CCMN'
code.to_s # "Compact - 2/4 Door - Manual Unspecified Drive - Unspecified Fuel/Power Without Air"

code.category.to_s # Compact
code.type.to_s # 2/4 Door
code.transmission_drive.to_s # Manual Unspecified Drive
code.transmission.to_s # Manual # Unspecified Drive
code.transmission_manual? # true
code.transmission_auto? # false
code.fuel_ac.to_s # Unspecified Fuel/Power Without Air
code.fuel.to_s # Unspecified Fuel/Power # No Air # false

If the code is invalid, it will return nil on all checks.

If only some of the letters are valid, it will translate them:

code = '**DR'
code.valid? # false
code.to_s # #N/A - #N/A - Auto AWD - Unspecified Fuel/Power With Air

Calling code.validate! will throw validation errors with exceptions.


A convenient hash that lists car capabilities.'CCDD').as_json
      category: :compact,
          type: :two_four_door,
  transmission: :auto,
         drive: :awd,
          fuel: :diesel,
            ac: :air,
          code: "CCDD"


NOTE: a simpler version without i18n is kept in v.1.4, you can use it as gem 'sipp', git: '', tag: 'v1.4'

For more flexibility methods like category, drive etc. return a simple Wrapper object to provide either symbol or an i18n-sed string. Thus, when #to_s is implied, it will return a translated message. For use in code or elsewhere, use #to_sym:

if :diesel == code.fuel.to_sym
  puts 'This car has a diesel engine'

This seems to be not an elegant solution. If you have any ideas on improving it, please make a pull request.

You can override existing or add your own translations an put them under the sipp scope:

      mini: міні
      convertible: кабріолет
      manual: МКПП
      auto: АКПП      


A very early beta. But beta than nothin'

It's also able to generate a SIPP code from car capabilities. The capabilities are expected in the same format as produced by #as_json. If something invalid is supplied it generates '*'.

SIPP::Inverted.generate({ category: :compact, type: :two_four_door, transmission: :manual, drive: :unspecified, fuel: :petrol, ac: :air})
# => 'CCMV'
SIPP::Inverted.generate({ category: :compact, type: :two_four_door, fuel: :petrol, ac: :air })
# => 'CC*V'


Works most similar to Inverted but produces a more consistent approach to encoding car capabilities.

Generates an Extended-SIPP code from capabilities provided and translates capabilities list into an Extended-SIPP code.

Should be tried and discussed.

Generating an e-sipp code from capabilities:

        category:     :compact,
        type:         :two_three_door,
        transmission: :manual,
        drive:        :front,
        fuel:         :petrol,
        ac:           :air,
        doors:        2,
        seats:        2,
        bags_big:     3,
        bags_small:   4,
}) # => 'CBMFPA2234'

And capabilities from a code, just like a usual SIPP:'CBMFPN2234').as_json
        category:     :compact,
        type:         :two_three_door,
        transmission: :manual,
        drive:        :front,
        fuel:         :petrol,
        ac:           :no_air,
        doors:        2,
        seats:        2,
        bags_big:     3,
        bags_small:   4,

Puts :unspecified if cannot decode a capability:'CCMFDA55').as_json
        category:     :compact,
        type:         :two_four_door,
        transmission: :manual,
        drive:        :front,
        fuel:         :diesel,
        ac:           :air,
        doors:        5,
        seats:        5,
        bags_big:     :unspecified,
        bags_small:   :unspecified,


  • [x] add i18n helpers or redo strings into symbols to be i18n-sed
  • [x] add SIPP code generation from car capabilities
    • [ ] add input validation of some kind?
  • [x] add Extended SIPP codes
    • [ ] add more adequate tests
  • [ ] add query methods for common checks (like .diesel? etc)
  • [ ] add pseudo codes
  • [ ] add van codes


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Sipp project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.