class SlackSmartBot def see_favorite_commands(user, only_mine) save_stats(__method__) if config.stats if Thread.current[:typem] == :on_call channel = Thread.current[:dchannel] elsif Thread.current[:using_channel].to_s=='' channel = Thread.current[:dest] else channel = Thread.current[:using_channel] end files = Dir["#{config.stats_path}.*.log"].sort.reverse[0..1] if files.empty? respond "There is no data stored." else count_commands = {} files.each do |file| CSV.foreach(file, headers: true, header_converters: :symbol, converters: :numeric) do |row| row[:dest_channel_id] = row[:bot_channel_id] if row[:dest_channel_id].to_s[0] == "D" if ((only_mine and row[:user_name] or (!only_mine and !config.team_id_masters.include?("#{row[:team_id]}_#{row[:user_name]}"))) and row[:dest_channel_id] == channel and !row[:user_name].include?('routine/') and row[:command] != 'dont_understand' row[:command] = 'bot_help' if row[:command] == 'bot_rules' count_commands[row[:command]] ||= 0 count_commands[row[:command]] += 1 end end end commands = [] count_commands.sort_by {|k,v| -v}.each do |command, num| commands << command end if commands.empty? respond "There is no data stored." else output = "" i = 0 commands.each do |command| unless output.match?(/^\s*command_id:\s+:#{command}\s*$/) i+=1 output += bot_help(user,, Thread.current[:dest], channel, false, command.gsub('_',' '), config.rules_file, savestats: false, strict: true) break if i>=5 end end end end else respond "Ask an admin to set stats to true to generate the stats when running the bot instance so you can get this command to work." end end end