
SmarterLogging helps you log mission critical data in key=value and single-line format, so it can be easily analyzed. The format lends itself to being easily importable by SumoLogic and Splunk.

The main idea is to have dedicated log files for activities which happen during normal operations, as well as anomalies which happen when something unexpected happens.

Each log line starts with a UTC timestamp in ISO8601 format, and contains space-separated key=value pairs. If a value contains spaces, it is quoted: key="value". The advantage of ISO6801 timestamps is that they are both standardized / easy to parse, as well as human readable.

  time=2017-01-30T21:21:04.013Z activity=some_unique_name key1=value1 key2="value 2"

The only place where this gem is opinionated is that UTC time is used for logging.

Tip: If you are currently not using UTC time in your application, you should seriously consider doing that - it makes it much easier analyzing logs and errors when dealing with clients which can be anywhere in the world.

Key goals:

  • get average call durations
  • get activity and anomaly logs
  • help forensics on any calls / trace incidents
  • quickly identify top anomalies
  • get timings for blocks of code


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'smarter_logging'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install smarter_logging


When included in a Rails project, two default loggers are defined:


Each of them provides a log() method.

As a shortcut, you can include SmarterLogging and do this:

SmarterLogging.log_anomaly(unique_key, params)
SmarterLogging.log_activity(unique_key, params)

You can either use the above two functioncalls throughout your code, or include the module SmarterLogging and use the methods directly throughout your code.


Tip: make sure that you use a globally unique naming convention for your anomaly and activity names -- this way you can pin-point what went wrong, and where it went wrong.

Logging Anomalies

Anomaly logs are meant to be used for errors, exceptions and caught unexpected behavior.

  include SmarterLogging
      # you can use a single-line log statement, with a hash of all key=value pairs
  log_anomaly( :invalid_parameter , {key1: 'value 1', key2: 'value 2'}     

  # or you can use a block - this will add a key `duration` to the log line.

  if parameters_valid?(params)

    # do something useful

    log_activity( :user_parameters, params )

    log_anomaly( :user_invalid_parameters ) do |logdata|            
       log_data.merge( invalid_parameter_hash )

         # some other code              


Logging Activities

Anomaly logs are meant to be used for reporting on expected behavior.

  include SmarterLogging

  # you can use a single-line log statement, with a hash of all key=value pairs
  log_activity( :user_signed_up, {user_id:} )
  => time=2017-01-30T23:15:20.689Z env=development activity=user_signed_up user_id=123

  # or you can use a block - this will add a key `duration` to the log line.
  log_activity( :user_updated ) do |logdata|

      # update some values in user record here

      logdata[:result] = :sucess
        rescue => e
        log_data[:error_message] = e.message

       logdata[:result] = :failure


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at Sloboda/smarter_logging. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.