
SML spec is a test runner for Standard ML. It lets you write very concise and short tests and still get a useful and pretty output.


  1. Install Moscow ML.
  2. Install the gem with gem install smlspec.


Write some SML code like this

fun myLength [] = 0
  | myLength (_::xs) = 1 + myLength xs

val myLength_test1 = myLength [] = 0
val myLength_test2 = myLength [1, 2] = 2
val myLength_test3 = myLength ["a", "b", "c"] = 3

Then run smlspec <name of file>.sml

And you'll get output similar to this


3 tests ran, 0 red, 3 green

If you have failed tests you'll see something like this



4 tests ran, 1 red, 3 green