SmoochApi - the Ruby gem for the Smooch API
The Smooch API is a unified interface for powering messaging in your customer experiences across every channel. Our API speeds access to new markets, reduces time to ship, eliminates complexity, and helps you build the best experiences for your customers. For more information, visit our official documentation.
This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project using the Smooch api spec.
Smooch API Version
The Smooch API offers multiple versions. Each release of this project targets one and only one Smooch API version. If you depend on an older version of the Smooch API, you may need to use an older release of this library. Use the table below as your guide:
Smooch API version | smooch-ruby version to use |
v1.1 Upgrade guide |
4.0.0 or newer |
v1 |
3.* or older |
Install the gem:
gem install smooch-api
Add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'smooch-api', '~> 5.34.1'
Getting Started
Familiarity with Smooch API authentication is recommended.
Basic Authentication (recommended)
With basic authentication, you can use your API key ID and secret to authenticate API requests. See below for a code sample.
Authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)
See the JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) guide for more information and guidelines on when to use this method. In general, you'll want to favor using basic authentication.
To generate a JWT, use your API key ID and secret.
Using the ruby-jwt gem:
require 'jwt'
payload = {:scope => 'app'}
jwtHeader = {:kid => API_KEY_ID}
token = JWT.encode payload, API_KEY_SECRET, 'HS256', jwtHeader
Running the code
# Load the gem
require 'smooch-api'
# Setup authorization
SmoochApi.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization (recommended): basicAuth
config.username = 'API_KEY_ID'
config.password = 'API_KEY_SECRET'
# OR
# Configure JWT authorization (alternative method): jwt
config.api_key['Authorization'] = 'YOUR JWT'
config.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
appCreateBody = # AppCreate | Body for a createApp request.
result = api_instance.create_app(appCreateBody)
p result
rescue SmoochApi::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling AppApi->create_app: #{e}"
Smooch is available in the following regions. The US region will be used by default. To target any other region, specify the region API host in
. For example:
SmoochApi.configure do |config|
config.api_key['Authorization'] = '<jwt>'
config.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer' = ''
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
SmoochApi::AppApi | create_app | POST /v1.1/apps | |
SmoochApi::AppApi | create_secret_key | POST /v1.1/apps/appId/keys | |
SmoochApi::AppApi | delete_app | DELETE /v1.1/apps/appId | |
SmoochApi::AppApi | delete_secret_key | DELETE /v1.1/apps/appId/keys/keyId | |
SmoochApi::AppApi | get_app | GET /v1.1/apps/appId | |
SmoochApi::AppApi | get_app_jwt | GET /v1.1/apps/appId/keys/keyId/jwt | |
SmoochApi::AppApi | get_sdk_ids | GET /v1.1/apps/appId/sdks | |
SmoochApi::AppApi | get_secret_key | GET /v1.1/apps/appId/keys/keyId | |
SmoochApi::AppApi | list_apps | GET /v1.1/apps | |
SmoochApi::AppApi | list_secret_keys | GET /v1.1/apps/appId/keys | |
SmoochApi::AppApi | update_app | PUT /v1.1/apps/appId | |
SmoochApi::AppUserApi | delete_app_user | DELETE /v1.1/apps/appId/appusers/userId | |
SmoochApi::AppUserApi | delete_app_user_profile | DELETE /v1.1/apps/appId/appusers/userId/profile | |
SmoochApi::AppUserApi | get_app_user | GET /v1.1/apps/appId/appusers/userId | |
SmoochApi::AppUserApi | get_app_user_auth_code | GET /v1.1/apps/appId/appusers/userId/authcode | |
SmoochApi::AppUserApi | get_app_user_business_system_ids | GET /v1.1/apps/appId/appusers/userId/businesssystems | |
SmoochApi::AppUserApi | get_app_user_entity_ids | GET /v1.1/apps/appId/appusers/userId/channels | |
SmoochApi::AppUserApi | get_link_requests | GET /v1.1/apps/appId/appusers/userId/linkrequest | |
SmoochApi::AppUserApi | link_app_user | POST /v1.1/apps/appId/appusers/userId/channels | |
SmoochApi::AppUserApi | merge_users | POST /v1.1/apps/appId/appusers/merge | |
SmoochApi::AppUserApi | post_image_message | POST /v1.1/apps/appId/appusers/userId/images | |
SmoochApi::AppUserApi | pre_create_app_user | POST /v1.1/apps/appId/appusers | |
SmoochApi::AppUserApi | unlink_app_user | DELETE /v1.1/apps/appId/appusers/userId/channels/channel | |
SmoochApi::AppUserApi | update_app_user | PUT /v1.1/apps/appId/appusers/userId | |
SmoochApi::AttachmentsApi | remove_attachment | POST /v1.1/apps/appId/attachments/remove | |
SmoochApi::AttachmentsApi | upload_attachment | POST /v1.1/apps/appId/attachments | |
SmoochApi::ConversationApi | conversation_activity | POST /v1.1/apps/appId/appusers/userId/conversation/activity | |
SmoochApi::ConversationApi | delete_message | DELETE /v1.1/apps/appId/appusers/userId/messages/messageId | |
SmoochApi::ConversationApi | delete_messages | DELETE /v1.1/apps/appId/appusers/userId/messages | |
SmoochApi::ConversationApi | get_messages | GET /v1.1/apps/appId/appusers/userId/messages | |
SmoochApi::ConversationApi | post_message | POST /v1.1/apps/appId/appusers/userId/messages | |
SmoochApi::ConversationApi | reset_unread_count | POST /v1.1/apps/appId/appusers/userId/conversation/read | |
SmoochApi::DeploymentApi | activate_phone_number | POST /v1.1/whatsapp/deployments/deploymentId/activate | |
SmoochApi::DeploymentApi | confirm_code | POST /v1.1/whatsapp/deployments/deploymentId/code/confirm | |
SmoochApi::DeploymentApi | create_deployment | POST /v1.1/whatsapp/deployments | |
SmoochApi::DeploymentApi | delete_deployment | DELETE /v1.1/whatsapp/deployments/deploymentId | |
SmoochApi::DeploymentApi | get_deployment | GET /v1.1/whatsapp/deployments/deploymentId | |
SmoochApi::DeploymentApi | list_deployments | GET /v1.1/whatsapp/deployments | |
SmoochApi::IntegrationApi | create_integration | POST /v1.1/apps/appId/integrations | |
SmoochApi::IntegrationApi | create_integration_menu | POST /v1.1/apps/appId/integrations/integrationId/menu | |
SmoochApi::IntegrationApi | delete_integration | DELETE /v1.1/apps/appId/integrations/integrationId | |
SmoochApi::IntegrationApi | delete_integration_menu | DELETE /v1.1/apps/appId/integrations/integrationId/menu | |
SmoochApi::IntegrationApi | get_integration | GET /v1.1/apps/appId/integrations/integrationId | |
SmoochApi::IntegrationApi | get_integration_menu | GET /v1.1/apps/appId/integrations/integrationId/menu | |
SmoochApi::IntegrationApi | get_integration_profile | GET /v1.1/apps/appId/integrations/integrationId/profile | |
SmoochApi::IntegrationApi | list_integrations | GET /v1.1/apps/appId/integrations | |
SmoochApi::IntegrationApi | update_integration | PUT /v1.1/apps/appId/integrations/integrationId | |
SmoochApi::IntegrationApi | update_integration_menu | PUT /v1.1/apps/appId/integrations/integrationId/menu | |
SmoochApi::IntegrationApi | update_integration_profile | PUT /v1.1/apps/appId/integrations/integrationId/profile | |
SmoochApi::IntegrationApi | upload_integration_profile_photo | PUT /v1.1/apps/appId/integrations/integrationId/profile/photo | |
SmoochApi::MenuApi | delete_menu | DELETE /v1.1/apps/appId/menu | |
SmoochApi::MenuApi | get_menu | GET /v1.1/apps/appId/menu | |
SmoochApi::MenuApi | update_menu | PUT /v1.1/apps/appId/menu | |
SmoochApi::NotificationApi | post_notification | POST /v1/apps/appId/notifications | |
SmoochApi::ServiceAccountApi | create_secret_key | POST /v1.1/serviceaccounts/serviceAccountId/keys | |
SmoochApi::ServiceAccountApi | create_service_account | POST /v1.1/serviceaccounts | |
SmoochApi::ServiceAccountApi | delete_secret_key | DELETE /v1.1/serviceaccounts/serviceAccountId/keys/keyId | |
SmoochApi::ServiceAccountApi | delete_service_account | DELETE /v1.1/serviceaccounts/serviceAccountId | |
SmoochApi::ServiceAccountApi | get_jwt | GET /v1.1/serviceaccounts/serviceAccountId/keys/keyId/jwt | |
SmoochApi::ServiceAccountApi | get_secret_key | GET /v1.1/serviceaccounts/serviceAccountId/keys/keyId | |
SmoochApi::ServiceAccountApi | get_service_account | GET /v1.1/serviceaccounts/serviceAccountId | |
SmoochApi::ServiceAccountApi | list_secret_keys | GET /v1.1/serviceaccounts/serviceAccountId/keys | |
SmoochApi::ServiceAccountApi | list_service_accounts | GET /v1.1/serviceaccounts | |
SmoochApi::ServiceAccountApi | update_service_account | PUT /v1.1/serviceaccounts/serviceAccountId | |
SmoochApi::TemplateApi | create_template | POST /v1.1/apps/appId/templates | |
SmoochApi::TemplateApi | delete_template | DELETE /v1.1/apps/appId/templates/templateId | |
SmoochApi::TemplateApi | get_template | GET /v1.1/apps/appId/templates/templateId | |
SmoochApi::TemplateApi | list_templates | GET /v1.1/apps/appId/templates | |
SmoochApi::TemplateApi | update_template | PUT /v1.1/apps/appId/templates/templateId | |
SmoochApi::WebhookApi | create_webhook | POST /v1.1/apps/appId/webhooks | |
SmoochApi::WebhookApi | delete_webhook | DELETE /v1.1/apps/appId/webhooks/webhookId | |
SmoochApi::WebhookApi | get_webhook | GET /v1.1/apps/appId/webhooks/webhookId | |
SmoochApi::WebhookApi | list_webhooks | GET /v1.1/apps/appId/webhooks | |
SmoochApi::WebhookApi | update_webhook | PUT /v1.1/apps/appId/webhooks/webhookId |
Documentation for Models
- SmoochApi::Action
- SmoochApi::ActivityResponse
- SmoochApi::App
- SmoochApi::AppCreate
- SmoochApi::AppResponse
- SmoochApi::AppSettings
- SmoochApi::AppUpdate
- SmoochApi::AppUser
- SmoochApi::AppUserBusinessSystemsResponse
- SmoochApi::AppUserChannelsResponse
- SmoochApi::AppUserLink
- SmoochApi::AppUserMerge
- SmoochApi::AppUserPreCreate
- SmoochApi::AppUserResponse
- SmoochApi::AppUserUpdate
- SmoochApi::AttachmentRemove
- SmoochApi::AttachmentResponse
- SmoochApi::AuthCodeResponse
- SmoochApi::Author
- SmoochApi::BusinessSystemItem
- SmoochApi::ChannelEntityItem
- SmoochApi::Client
- SmoochApi::ClientInfo
- SmoochApi::Confirmation
- SmoochApi::Conversation
- SmoochApi::ConversationActivity
- SmoochApi::Coordinates
- SmoochApi::Deployment
- SmoochApi::DeploymentActivatePhoneNumber
- SmoochApi::DeploymentConfirmCode
- SmoochApi::DeploymentCreate
- SmoochApi::DeploymentResponse
- SmoochApi::Destination
- SmoochApi::DisplaySettings
- SmoochApi::Enums
- SmoochApi::Field
- SmoochApi::FieldPost
- SmoochApi::GetIntegrationProfileResponse
- SmoochApi::GetMessagesResponse
- SmoochApi::GetSdkIdsResponse
- SmoochApi::Integration
- SmoochApi::IntegrationCreate
- SmoochApi::IntegrationProfileUpdate
- SmoochApi::IntegrationResponse
- SmoochApi::IntegrationUpdate
- SmoochApi::JwtResponse
- SmoochApi::LinkRequestResponse
- SmoochApi::LinkRequestResponseLinkRequests
- SmoochApi::ListAppsResponse
- SmoochApi::ListDeploymentsResponse
- SmoochApi::ListIntegrationsResponse
- SmoochApi::ListSecretKeysResponse
- SmoochApi::ListServiceAccountsResponse
- SmoochApi::ListTemplatesResponse
- SmoochApi::ListWebhooksResponse
- SmoochApi::Location
- SmoochApi::Menu
- SmoochApi::MenuItem
- SmoochApi::MenuResponse
- SmoochApi::MergedUser
- SmoochApi::Message
- SmoochApi::MessageItem
- SmoochApi::MessageOverride
- SmoochApi::MessageOverrideLine
- SmoochApi::MessageOverrideMessenger
- SmoochApi::MessageOverrideWhatsapp
- SmoochApi::MessagePost
- SmoochApi::MessageResponse
- SmoochApi::NotificationPost
- SmoochApi::NotificationPostDestination
- SmoochApi::NotificationResponse
- SmoochApi::NotificationResponseNotification
- SmoochApi::Option
- SmoochApi::QuotedMessage
- SmoochApi::SecretKey
- SmoochApi::SecretKeyCreate
- SmoochApi::SecretKeyResponse
- SmoochApi::Select
- SmoochApi::ServiceAccount
- SmoochApi::ServiceAccountCreate
- SmoochApi::ServiceAccountResponse
- SmoochApi::ServiceAccountUpdate
- SmoochApi::Source
- SmoochApi::SubMenuItem
- SmoochApi::Template
- SmoochApi::TemplateCreate
- SmoochApi::TemplateResponse
- SmoochApi::TemplateUpdate
- SmoochApi::UploadIntegrationProfilePhotoResponse
- SmoochApi::Webhook
- SmoochApi::WebhookCreate
- SmoochApi::WebhookResponse
- SmoochApi::WebhookUpdate
Documentation for Authorization
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
Copyright and license
Copyright 2018 Zendesk, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.