Sms broker


“by SmsBroker.setup do |config| [nexmo, twilio]

config.default_service ‘nexmo’

config.nexmo_setup \ key: ‘NEXMO_API_KEY’, secret: ‘NEXMO_API_SECRET’, sender_id: ‘NEXMO_SENDER_ID’, phone_number: ‘NEXMO_PHONE_NUMBER’

config.twilio_setup \ auth_token: ‘TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN’, account_sid: ‘TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID’, sender_id: ‘TWILIO_SENDER_ID’, phone_number: ‘TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER’ end

Basic usage

“by message = SmsBroker.message(‘Get paid doing small tasks!’).to(‘441234567890’)

if message.valid? response = message.deliver

# response.success? # response.serialized end

Specifying the provider

“by SmsBroker.service(:twilio).message(‘Get paid doing small tasks!’).to(‘441234567890’)


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'sms_broker'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Get in touch

If you have any questions, write an issue or get in touch [email protected]