Class: Solargraph::Pin::DuckMethod

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DuckMethod pins are used to add completion items for type tags that use duck typing, e.g., ‘@param file [#read]`.

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Method


Attributes inherited from BaseMethod

#node, #visibility

Attributes inherited from Closure


Attributes inherited from Base

#code_object, #location, #name, #path, #return_type

Attributes included from Common

#closure, #location

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Method

#completion_item_kind, #initialize, #nearly?, #overloads, #parameter_names, #probe, #symbol_kind, #try_merge!

Methods inherited from BaseMethod

#documentation, #explicit?, #initialize, #parameter_names, #parameters, #path, #return_type, #typify

Methods inherited from Closure

#binder, #context, #gates, #initialize

Methods inherited from Base

#==, #comments, #completion_item_kind, #deprecated?, #directives, #docstring, #filename, #identity, #infer, #initialize, #inspect, #macros, #maybe_directives?, #nearly?, #probe, #probed?, #proxied?, #proxy, #realize, #symbol_kind, #to_s, #try_merge!, #typify, #variable?

Methods included from Documenting


Methods included from Conversions

#completion_item, #detail, #link_documentation, #reset_conversions, #resolve_completion_item, #signature_help, #text_documentation

Methods included from Common

#binder, #comments, #context, #name, #namespace, #path, #return_type

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Solargraph::Pin::Method