Solid Cache

Solid Cache is a database-backed Active Support cache store that let's you keep a much larger cache than is typically possible with traditional memory-only Redis or Memcached stores. This is thanks to the speed of modern SSD drives, which make the access-time penalty of using disk vs RAM insignificant for most caching purposes. Simply put, you're now usually better off keeping a huge cache on disk rather than a small cache in memory.


Solid Cache is configured by default in new Rails 8 applications. But if you're running an earlier version, you can add it manually following these steps:

  1. bundle add solid_cache
  2. bin/rails solid_cache:install

This will configure Solid Cache as the production cache store, create config/cache.yml, and create db/cache_schema.rb.

You will then have to add the configuration for the queue database in config/database.yml. If you're using sqlite, it'll look like this:

    <<: *default
    database: storage/production.sqlite3
    <<: *default
    database: storage/production_cache.sqlite3
    migrations_paths: db/cache_migrate

...or if you're using MySQL/PostgreSQL/Trilogy:

  primary: &primary_production
    <<: *default
    database: app_production
    username: app
    password: <%= ENV["APP_DATABASE_PASSWORD"] %>
    <<: *primary_production
    database: app_production_cache
    migrations_paths: db/cache_migrate

Then run db:prepare in production to ensure the database is created and the schema is loaded.


Configuration will be read from config/cache.yml or config/solid_cache.yml. You can change the location of the config file by setting the SOLID_CACHE_CONFIG env variable.

The format of the file is:

  store_options: &default_store_options
    max_age: <%= 60.days.to_i %>
    namespace: <%= Rails.env %>
  size_estimate_samples: 1000

development: &development
  database: development_cache
    <<: *default_store_options
    max_size: <%= 256.gigabytes %>

production: &production
  databases: [production_cache1, production_cache2]
    <<: *default_store_options
    max_entries: <%= 256.gigabytes %>

For the full list of keys for store_options see Cache configuration. Any options passed to the cache lookup will overwrite those specified here.

Connection configuration

You can set one of database, databases and connects_to in the config file. They will be used to configure the cache databases in SolidCache::Record#connects_to.

Setting database to cache_db will configure with:

SolidCache::Record.connects_to database: { writing: :cache_db }

Setting databases to [cache_db, cache_db2] is the equivalent of:

SolidCache::Record.connects_to shards: { cache_db1: { writing: :cache_db1 },  cache_db2: { writing: :cache_db2 } }

If connects_to is set, it will be passed directly.

If none of these are set, Solid Cache will use the ActiveRecord::Base connection pool. This means that cache reads and writes will be part of any wrapping database transaction.

Engine configuration

There are five options that can be set on the engine:

  • executor - the Rails executor used to wrap asynchronous operations, defaults to the app executor
  • connects_to - a custom connects to value for the abstract SolidCache::Record active record model. Required for sharding and/or using a separate cache database to the main app. This will overwrite any value set in config/solid_cache.yml
  • size_estimate_samples - if max_size is set on the cache, the number of the samples used to estimate the size.
  • encrypted - whether cache values should be encrypted (see Enabling encryption)
  • encryption_context_properties - custom encryption context properties

These can be set in your Rails configuration:

Rails.application.configure do
  config.solid_cache.size_estimate_samples = 1000

Cache configuration

Solid Cache supports these options in addition to the standard ActiveSupport::Cache::Store options:

  • error_handler - a Proc to call to handle any transient database errors that are raised (default: log errors as warnings)
  • expiry_batch_size - the batch size to use when deleting old records (default: 100)
  • expiry_method - what expiry method to use thread or job (default: thread)
  • expiry_queue - which queue to add expiry jobs to (default: default)
  • max_age - the maximum age of entries in the cache (default: 2.weeks.to_i). Can be set to nil, but this is not recommended unless using max_entries to limit the size of the cache.
  • max_entries - the maximum number of entries allowed in the cache (default: nil, meaning no limit)
  • max_size - the maximum size of the cache entries (default nil, meaning no limit)
  • cluster - (deprecated) a Hash of options for the cache database cluster, e.g { shards: [:database1, :database2, :database3] }
  • clusters - (deprecated) an Array of Hashes for multiple cache clusters (ignored if :cluster is set)
  • shards - an Array of databases
  • active_record_instrumentation - whether to instrument the cache's queries (default: true)
  • clear_with - clear the cache with :truncate or :delete (default truncate, except for when Rails.env.test? then delete)
  • max_key_bytesize - the maximum size of a normalized key in bytes (default 1024)

For more information on cache clusters, see Sharding the cache

Cache expiry

Solid Cache tracks writes to the cache. For every write it increments a counter by 1. Once the counter reaches 50% of the expiry_batch_size it adds a task to run on a background thread. That task will:

  1. Check if we have exceeded the max_entries or max_size values (if set). The current entries are estimated by subtracting the max and min IDs from the SolidCache::Entry table. The current size is estimated by sampling the entry byte_size columns.
  2. If we have, it will delete expiry_batch_size entries.
  3. If not, it will delete up to expiry_batch_size entries, provided they are all older than max_age.

Expiring when we reach 50% of the batch size allows us to expire records from the cache faster than we write to it when we need to reduce the cache size.

Only triggering expiry when we write means that if the cache is idle, the background thread is also idle.

If you want the cache expiry to be run in a background job instead of a thread, you can set expiry_method to :job. This will enqueue a SolidCache::ExpiryJob.

Sharding the cache

Solid Cache uses the Maglev consistent hashing scheme to shard the cache across multiple databases.

To shard:

  1. Add the configuration for the database shards to database.yml.
  2. Configure the shards via config.solid_cache.connects_to.
  3. Pass the shards for the cache to use via the cluster option.

For example:

# config/database.yml
    database: cache1_production
    host: cache1-db
    database: cache2_production
    host: cache2-db
    database: cache3_production
    host: cache3-db
# config/cache.yml
  databases: [cache_shard1, cache_shard2, cache_shard3]

Enabling encryption

To encrypt the cache values, you can add the encrypt property.

# config/cache.yml
  encrypt: true


# application.rb
config.solid_cache.encrypt = true

You will need to set up your application to (use Active Record Encryption)[].

Solid Cache by default uses a custom encryptor and message serializer that are optimised for it.

Firstly it disabled compression with the encryptor false) - the cache already compresses the data. Secondly it uses as the serializer. This serializer can only be used for binary columns, but can store about 40% more data than the standard serializer.

You can choose your own context properties instead if you prefer:

# application.rb
config.solid_cache.encryption_context_properties = {

Index size limits

The Solid Cache migrations try to create an index with 1024 byte entries. If that is too big for your database, you should:

  1. Edit the index size in the migration.
  2. Set max_key_bytesize on your cache to the new value.


Run the tests with bin/rake test. By default, these will run against SQLite.

You can also run the tests against MySQL and PostgreSQL. First start up the databases:

$ docker compose up -d

Next, setup the database schema:

$ TARGET_DB=mysql bin/rails db:setup
$ TARGET_DB=postgres bin/rails db:setup

Then run the tests for the target database:

$ TARGET_DB=mysql bin/rake test
$ TARGET_DB=postgres bin/rake test

Testing with multiple Rails versions

Solid Cache relies on appraisal to test multiple Rails versions.

To run a test for a specific version run:

bundle exec appraisal rails-7-1 bin/rake test

After updating the dependencies in the Gemfile please run:

$ bundle
$ appraisal update

This ensures that all the Rails versions dependencies are updated.


Solid Cache is a FIFO (first in, first out) cache. While this is not as efficient as an LRU cache, it is mitigated by the longer cache lifespan.

A FIFO cache is much easier to manage:

  1. We don't need to track when items are read.
  2. We can estimate and control the cache size by comparing the maximum and minimum IDs.
  3. By deleting from one end of the table and adding at the other end we can avoid fragmentation (on MySQL at least).


Upgrading from v0.3.0 or earlier? Please see upgrading to version v0.4.x and beyond


Solid Cache is licensed under MIT.