
Southeastern publish Daily Performance reports. They're not very usable as they are. This project currently contains the code I've used to parse that data and the parsed data itself.

I've also popped the data into this Google Fusion table and added a bit of a query tool and dashboard (of sorts).


$ gem install southeastern-daily-performance -r


$ sedpr-to-csv <location-of-html>


Explicitly download html and convert local file

$ curl "" > sedpr.html
$ sedpr-to-csv sedpr.html

Implicitly download html and convert

$ sedpr-to-csv


Combining all csv files into one big file

$ echo "Date,Problem,Scheduled departure time,Scheduled departure station,Scheduled arrival station,Affect on service" > combined.csv
$ cat /path/to/csv/files/*.csv >> combined.csv

Combining all csv overview files into one file

$ echo "Date,Services scheduled,Services run,Services within 5 minutes of schedule" > combined.overview.csv
$ cat /path/to/csv/files/*.overview.csv >> combined.overview.csv


  • 2010-04-21 breaks the parser...
  • Ensure that I'm generating valid CSV (specifically that I'm quoting columns that contain commas)
  • I currently have an empty file for 2010-11-30.csv. Investigate the cause.
  • Republish the gem
  • I'm getting 0s for the parsed overview from 2010-11-30. Investigate the cause.