
Specfactor is a gem that generates commonly used tests for commonly used controller actions.


Specfactor is dependent on these gems:


Provided you are developing on Rails, activesupport should be included by default. Specfactor generates tests that utilize factories, and so FactoryBot is recommended. Otherwise, simply comment out/delete parts of the tests you don't want to use.

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'specfactor'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install specfactor


In terminal, type:

specfac generate -options <controller> <actions>


specfac g -options <controller> <actions>

[controller] should be the name of the controller you'd like to generate tests for

[actions] should be the names of methods to be generated

An example usage for specific tests:

specfac generate participants index show

An example for all available tests:

specfac g participants ALL

An example generating a FactoryBot factory for the controller:

specfac generate -f dogs ALL

An example generating Capybara End-to-End/Feature tests for the controller:

specfac g -e cats ALL

Or generate both E2E tests and the Factory:

specfac g -f -e dragons index show

Currently, tests can be generated for :index, :show, :new, :create, :edit, :update, and :destroy.

Customizing Generated Tests

Specfactor allows for customization of modules used to generate tests. First, type:

specfac extract <path to copy modules to>

Please indicate a path such as Users/YOUR NAME/Desktop. Do not include a beginning or ending "/". If you run into issues where Specfactor stops executing, it may be due to an invalid path supplied in the extract command. If this is the case, you can access the path variable directly by going to your Ruby directory and modifying the options.json file.

My directory is at .rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.4/gems/specfactor/lib/specfac/options.json

Here is an example:

specfac extract Users/viktharien/Desktop

This will create a modules folder on my desktop. Inside the folder will be five ruby files:


spec_module contains the templates for controller tests.

factory_module contains the templates for FactoryBot factories.

support_module contains the templates for DatabaseCleaner and FactoryBot configuration.

e2e_module contains the templates for Capybara tests.

utils contains utility code used by the templates, so don't modify or else things will break.

Replace or modify the code in these files and the next time you use Specfactor to generate tests, your modifications will be used.

Other Commands

To generate configuration settings for DatabaseCleaner and FactoryBot:

specfac setup factory_bot

specfac setup database_cleaner

To print the version number for Specfactor:

specfac -v

specfac --version


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/viktharien/specfacthor.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.