:ghost: Spooky

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A simple Ruby wrapper for the Ghost Content API.

The Ghost Content API documentation can be found here.


Add spooky to your Gemfile:

gem "spooky"

And then run:

$ bundle


To get started, a Ghost client needs to be initialized using the API URL of your Ghost installation and its content API key.

Initializing a client (Spooky::Client)

Initialize manually

A client can be created by running the below with your credentials:

client = Spooky::Client.new(api_url: "https://blog.yourdomain.com", api_key: "abc123")

Initialize with ENV variables

Spooky also has ENV variable support out of the box. You can set your credentials by setting the below ENV variables:

Attribute ENV variable

If they above are set then all you have to do to initialize a client is:

client = Spooky::Client.new

Fetching Posts

Spooky operates primarily on posts. Methods that return a collection also return a pagination object, if there is one.

Get all posts

posts, pagination = client.posts

Returns an array of Spooky::Posts and a pagination meta hash.

Get all posts and include tags and authors

posts, pagination = client.posts(tags: true, authors: true)

Returns an array of Spooky::Posts with Spooky::Tags and Spooky::Authors where appropriate and a pagination meta hash.

Get a post by ID or slug

post = client.post_by(id: 'abc123')
post = client.post_by(slug: 'this-is-a-slug')

Both return a Spooky::Post.

Get posts with a filter applied

Filtering accepts simple hashes as conditions or NQL strings for more complex filters.

featured_posts, pagination = client.posts(filter: { featured: true })
welcome_posts, pagination = client.posts(filter: "title:Welcome")

You can exclude a post using NQL operators, note the -:

posts_without_welcome, pagination = client.posts(tags: true, filter: "title:-Welcome")


If applicable, Spooky will return the pagination meta hash directly from Ghost. It looks like this:

    "page" => 1,
    "limit" => 3,
    "pages" => 3,
    "total" => 7,
    "next" => 2,
    "prev" => nil


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Create an issue with your comments or request or open a pull request with your change and accompanying tests. This project adheres to the included Code of Conduct, see CODE_OF_CONDUCT.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


This gem was originally developed by infinityrobot.