Spotifysearch Gem

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Spotifysearch Gem helps you generate your song into a picture to share on social media!

  • Auto search for nice album artwork
  • Change the image you like
  • Add comments on the image and songs to create your own awesome artwork!
  • Share on multiple social network to express your music loving soul!


If you are working on a project, add this to your Gemfile: gem 'spotifysearch'

For installation from command line:

$ gem install spotifysearch


Require Spotifysearch gem in your code: require 'Spotifysearch'

You should use a track name as the input argument.

**Notice that you have to use plus sign ("+") instead of a blank to combine each word.

For example, If "Eyes Shut" is the track name you want to search, "Eyes+Shut" is the correct type of input.

See the following example code for more usage details:

search = Spotify::Search.find(user_input)
puts 'Search Result:'
search.each_value do |songinfo|
        puts "track: #{songinfo.track_name}"
        puts "artist: #{songinfo.artist_name}"
        puts "album: #{songinfo.album_name}"
        puts "img_url: #{songinfo.imgs[0]}"