Paysera payment gateway integration for Spree Ecommerce.

Build Status

Adds Paysera payment option to the checkout view. Can be customized by editing paysera partial. Tested on Spree version 3.5+.


  1. Add gem to your gemfile:

    gem 'spree_paysera', '~> 1.0', '>= 1.0.1'
  2. Install the gem using Bundler:

    bundle install
  3. Restart your server


  • In Spree admin panel go to "Configuration" > "Payment Methods".
  • Create a new payment method.
  • Select provider "Spree::Gateway::Paysera", enter name and description.
  • Click "Create".
  • Enter Project ID, Domain Name and Message Text (paytext). Untick "Test Mode" for use in production.