
This gem is a simple Star Wars name progeram. It grabs the names of Star Wars characters and planets from the public Star Wars api site:

It only has two public calls

  • find_people(#)
  • find_planet(#)

If there is no planet or person with that number an empty hash is returned.

My development notes

  1. First run the command: bundle gem sswars
  2. Change into that directory
  3. Edit the file sswars.gemspec with appropriate information.
  4. Edit the file lib/sswars.rb with the Ruby code to do the work.
    • The module name should be: module Sswars
    • Include gem "httparty"
    • Create two methods: find_person() and find_planet
  5. Test execution in IRB.
    • In IRB run: require_relative 'lib/sswars' - should return true.
    • In IRB test by running: Sswars.find_people(2) - should return => "C-3PO"
    • In IRB test by running: Sswars.find_planet(42) - should return => "Haruun Kal"
  6. Create local git repo and commit. Push to Github.
  7. Create gem, run:
    • bundle
    • gem build sswars.gemspec
  8. Install gem locally and test
    • *gem install ./sswars-0.1.0.gem *
    • In IRB you only have to type: *require sswars *
  9. Now push to
  10. Profit!

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sswars'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install sswars


This was just for fun & learning.


None planned now.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at