Staff bar


Staff bar is a tiny utility for Ruby on Rails projects. It shows a bar with some basic project information: commit hash, branch, Ruby & Rails versions, environment and caching status. You can also make a list of links that you want to show on a bar for a quick access to your internal tools.


# Add this to Gemfile
gem 'staff_bar'

# Install dependencies

Add this to app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:


  <%= staff_bar if current_user.staff? %>

  <%= yield %>

(you can change current_user.staff? to whatever your administrators logic is of course.)

Add this to your application.css to use default styles:

*= require staff_bar

To show current branch, add staff_bar capistrano tasks in Capfile:

require "staff_bar/capistrano"

This will create BRANCH file when deploying, which will staff bar use to show the branch.


# app/config/initializers/staff_bar.rb
StaffBar.configure do |config|
  config.links = [
    { url: '/jobs', title: 'Jobs queue' },
    { url: '/logs', title: 'Open logs' }

  config.theme = :dark # or :light
  config.position = :bottom # or :top
  config.highlight_envs = [:production]


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.