Statixite is a management tool for static websites originally designed to work with Jekyll, but with the hopes to support other static site generators. This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE and we always welcome contributors. Statixite is also available as a service. The project is made so that developers can create there own management tool and setup custom deployment options, such as Github Pages, Amazon S3, or Rackspace Cloud Files
Ruby on Rails
Getting started
Statixite is a Rails::Engine packaged into a gem, so it can be added to any Rails project. To start with a fresh project, use the following command:
Create a new rails app
bash$ rails new myapp --database=postgresql
Add Statixite to your gemfile
gem 'statixite'
Run bundle and the Statixite generator to write the config file.
bash$ bundle install
bash$ rails generate statixite
This will generate the following file:
# config/initializers/statixite.rb
Statixite.setup do |config|
# Used for Media Uploader
# Valid options -
# :file which commit media files directly to the associated site repo
# :fog use Fog::Storage => A carrierwave.rb initializer file is required: see
config.carrierwave_storage = :file
# Where to deploy
# Valid options -
# :local stores sites at /path/to/app/sites/:site_name/build
# :github pushes sites to your github account requires github creds and ssh access to account
# :fog pushes sites using fog storage requires fog creds tested against S3 and Rackspace Cloud Files
config.deploy_sites_to = :local
# Deploying sites to github requires a personal access token to create repos
# github creds => get personal token from github
# config.github_user = username
# config.github_token = ENV["GITHUB_TOKEN"]
# fog creds AWS S3 example
# config.fog_credentials = {
# :provider => 'AWS',
# :aws_access_key_id => ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"],
# :aws_secret_access_key => ENV["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"]
# }
# fog creds Rackspace Cloud Files example
# config.fog_credentials {
# :provider => 'Rackspace',
# :rackspace_username => ENV['RACKSPACE_USERNAME'],
# :rackspace_api_key => ENV['RACKSPACE_API_KEY'],
# :rackspace_region => :dfw
# }
Mount the Engine
Make sure to mount the Statixite Engine in your routes file
# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
mount Statixite::Engine => "/statixite"
# ...
Migrate the tables
bash$ rake db:migrate
You can now start your dev server and begin creating sites at [localhost:3000/statixite/sites]
Site Structure
- root
|__ sites
|__ :site_name # As defined when a site is created
|__ clone # Main directory where changes are made
|__ repo # Where changes are pushed which can be configured to be a remote repository
|__ build # Similar to the _site folder built when a deployment is made
|__ public
|__ statixite # Statixite Namespace
|__ previews
|__ :site_name
Deployment Options
Sites are built locally. In production you could use a similar NGINX config to serve the sites:
server {
listen 80;
server_name ~^(?<subdomain>.+)\.example\.com$;
root /path/to/app/sites/$subdomain/build;
index index.html;
error_page 404 /404.html;
location /404.html {
root /path/to/app/sites/$subdomain/build;
This option requires a personal access token to be created through your github account. Sites will be deployed to a repo prefixed with “statixite-” and deployed to the “gh-pages” branch.
config.deploy_sites_to = :github
config.github_token = 'some token'
Fog is a cloud service Ruby gem that can allow you to deploy sites to cloud containers. Fog
config.deploy_sites_to = :fog
# Amazon S3 example
config.fog_crednentials {
:provider => 'AWS',
:aws_access_key_id => ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"],
:aws_secret_access_key => ENV["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"],
This repo needs some love! We always encourage contributors. Please follow a few simple guidelines:
No nonsense
Write Some Good Specs (It needs more!)
Refactoring, other suggestions welcome