
Stooge is a fully EventMachine enabled DSL for interacting with an AMQP broker. Heavily inspired by Minion (but fresher and completely asynchronous).


Assuming you already have an AMQP broker installed:

$ gem install stooge

You can configure the address to the broker using the AMQP_URL environment variable, or programmatically like this:

Stooge.amqp_url = 'amqp://johndoe:abc123@localhost/my_vhost'

The default if not specified is amqp://guest:guest@localhost/.

Example usage

To process a job add the following to a file called worker.rb and run it with ruby worker.rb. Stooge will start an EventMachine loop that waits for AMQP messages and processes matching jobs until you send SIG_INT or SIG_TERM to it.

require 'stooge'

Stooge.job('example.puts') do |args|
  puts args['message']

To push a job onto a queue you call Stooge.enqueue with the name of the work queue and the data you want to process. The data needs to be JSON serializable and can be for example a hash.

require 'stooge' do
  Stooge.enqueue('example.puts', :message => 'Hello, world!')

Error handling

When an error is thrown in a job handler, the job is re-queued to be done later and the Stooge process exits. If you define an error handler, however, the error handler is run and the job is removed from the queue.

Stooge.error do |exception, handler, payload, headers|
  puts "got an error! #{e}"


Stooge logs to stdout via puts. You can specify a custom logger like this:

Stooge.logger do |msg|
  puts msg


To test the business logic in your job handler you can use the Stooge.run_handler helper method:

Stooge.run_handler('', { :foo => 'bar' }).should == 42

The return value is the return value from executing the job handler block.


Stooge was created by Niklas Holmgren ([email protected]) with help from Martin Bruse (@zond) and released under the MIT license. Stooge is very much inspired by Minion (created by Orion Henry), Resque (created by Chris Wanstrath) and Stalker (created by Adam Wiggins).