storazzo Gem

📦 Storazzo 💎 gem - a Gem to automatically parse your FS for mounts (💽 💾 💿 ) and compute MD5 (🤐) of all files therein and then collect in central DB 🔋 through 📦 StorazzoApp📦 (TM).


gem install storazzo

(Latest version is hosted in


I still struggle to enforce the include of LOCAL unchecked code rather than latest required system gem (cmon Ruby!) but I found loads of interesting ways to test my code by googling and StoackOverflowing:

  • rake test TEST="test/sum_test.rb"
  • test-gcs-bucket: ruby -I test test/test_gcs_bucket.rb (meh - see below)
  • test-media-subfolder: rake test TEST="test/media/*.rb"

Single test in single file:

  • rake test TEST="test/sum_test.rb" TESTOPTS="--name=test_returns_two" (sample)
  • rake test TEST="test/media/test_local_folder.rb" TESTOPTS="--name=test_1_first_directory_parsing_actually_works"
  • ruby -I test test/test_local_folder.rb -n test_first_directory_parsing_actually_works (note this includes storazzo latest gem and doesnt benefit from LATEST code so its NOT good for testing: use RAKE for that).

Testing binary files is hard: by default they 'require storazzo' and use the GEM INSTALLed version which is a few versions away, usually. So while developing you might want to include the lib/ folder, like this:

  • Use local gem (super latest) for checking latest code: ruby -Ilib bin/hello-storazzo
  • This will use the gem installed a few days ago, likely so wont do you any good to test latest code: bin/hello-storazzo

Now to toggle verbosity I believe I need to go into Rakefile (bummer)


Inspiration from: