This gem offers very simple approach to cache heavy ActiveRecord instance methods in the database. You just add corresponding field to the database, add store_method line and then just drink your coffee, no other changes needed!
Heavy methods are methods which consume some time and resources to compute their returned value. If that value does not change over time, storing it to the database is a good idea. Actually this functionality is very similar to existing cachethod, cache_method and method_cacheable gems, but all those gems are using Rails.cache to store computed values. In case if you don't want to bother with Rails.cache, use store_method to store computed values right in the database, it's clean and simple!
In Gemfile
gem 'store_method', github: 'fomichov/store_method'
Then run
bundle install
Basic Usage
Consider gravatar_url instance method which fetches corresponding Gravatar URL for User. This method always takes some time to request API so let's store its returned value in the corresponding database field.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def gravatar_url
First create corresponding database field
rails g migration AddGravatarURLToUsers gravatar_url:string
(Notice that database column type should match the type that our method returns, any valid column type is supported)
Then add store_method call with a method name
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
store_method :gravatar_url
def gravatar_url
Passing multiple method names is also supported:
store_methods :gravatar_url, :friends_count
Refreshing value
In case if you need to refresh stored value, call stored method with "refresh_" prefix like this:
user = User.first
SQL (5.7ms) UPDATE `users` SET `users`.`gravatar_url` = '' WHERE `users`.`id` = 1
=> ""
Handling Arguments
Calling stored method with arguments passes these arguments to original method:
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
store_method :friends_count
def friends_count(degree = 1)
This call returns default (stored) value:
This call returns new value calculated using degree argument:
Notice that passing argument won't update stored value.
ToDo List
- Implement some checks to ensure that method names match DB columns
- Implement some automation for adding new DB fields
Contributing to store_method
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
- Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.
- Fork the project
- Implement your fix or feature
- Add tests for your changes and make sure that all tests are passing
- Post a pull request
This library is distributed under the Beerware license.