
API for accessing the strava V2 API - (


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'strava-api-v2'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install strava-api-v2


This module includes both versions of the API (at least the sparse parts I was interested in putting together. The confusing thing is that you'll probably have to mix and match to get things done that you care about.

Getting a connection

The connection object is used to interact with Strava's servers.

$ connection_v1 =
$ connection_v2 =

Fetching rides

Get a random sampling of all rides

$ rides = connection_v1.rides

Or you can pass in parameters to get a more useful subset of rides.

For instance, to get the top rides from a club $ rides = connection_v1.rides(:club_id => 15)

Or get the rides for a given athlete $ rides = connection_v1.rides(:athlete_id = > 7679)

Other parameters include :athlete_name, :start_date, :end_date, :start_id, and :offset (


Get the stream information about a ride, including heart rates, coordinates, times, distances, altitudes of points sampled on a ride.

$ stream =

Efforts for segment

You can find all the efforts for a segment in the following way

$ segment = connection_v1.segment_with_efforts(segment_id, params)
$ efforts = segment.efforts

The efforts can be search by different parameters, including :club_id, :athlete_id, :athlete_name, :start_date, :end_date, :start_id, :best => true

Getting clubs

Search for club by name

$ clubs = connection_v1.rides(:name => "Mission Cycling")


See for more details - this also enables you to retrieve tokens and athlete information.

$ auth = connection_v2.login("[email protected]", "password")
$ token = auth.token
$ athlete = auth.athlete

Segments for a given ride

See for more details - this allows you to look up the segments for a given ride

$ segments = connection_v2.segments_for_ride(ride_id)
$ first_segment_efforts = segments[0].efforts

All efforts for a given ride

See - looks up all efforts put out in a given ride.

$ segments = connection_v2.segments_and_efforts_for_ride(ride_id)
$ first_effort = segments[0].efforts[0]



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