
Structish objects are objects which maintain all the properties and methods of their parent classes, but add customisable validations, defaults, and mutations.

The concept came about when trying to create a data structure which could provide flexible validation for entries in a Hash; serve as a base class for inheritance so that further functions could be defined; and keep all the functionality of standard Hash objects.

Existing gems did not quite satisfy the requirements. Dry::Struct objects were found to be too rigid for the use cases, in that they do not allow additional keys to be defined other than the explicitly defined attributes. Furthermore, the biggest drawback is that Dry::Struct objects are not hashes. We wanted to keep all the functionality of hashes so that they would be both intuitive to use and highly flexible.

Other existing solutions generally fall into the schema pattern. Some type of schema is defined, and a method is added to the Hash object which allows one to validate against the schema. We still wanted a class-based inheritance system similar to Dry::Struct, in order to give more meaning to the objects we were creating. This in turn meant that continuous hash creation and validation would become tiresome and create less readable code.

So to summarise, the problem we were trying to solve needed a data structure that:

  • Should be rigid enough to allow us to validate the data stored within the structure
  • Should be flexible enough to allow us to define our own validations and methods, as well as allow for more than just the validated data to exist within the object
  • Should be functional enough to still be used as a Hash (or other underlying base object)

The solution is a data structure which includes the functionality of Hashes (or Arrays), flexibility of Schema validations, and rigidity of Structs - the Structish object. When a class inherits from Structish::Hash or Structish::Array, it gains the ability to validate entries in the object. Properties which can be validated include the class type, value, and presence. Custom validations can also be added by creating a class which inherits from the Structish::Validation class and overriding the validate method.

Besides validating the constructor object, Structish objects also dynamically create accessor methods for the validated keys. So if we have validate :foo on the class, and an instance obj of that class, then we will have == constructor_hash[:foo]


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'structish'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install structish


Creating Structish hashes and arrays

Class validation

There are two existing Structish classes: Structish::Hash and Structish::Array. Both follow similar usage. The simplest example is a hash which validates the classes of the keys:

class MyStructishHash < Structish::Hash
    validate :foo, Float

# Validations{}) -> "Structish::ValidationError: Required value foo not present"{foo: "bar"}) -> "Structish::ValidationError: Class mismatch for foo -> String. Should be a Float"{foo: 1.0}) -> {:foo=>1.0}{foo: 1.0, bar: 2.0}) -> {:foo=>1.0, :bar=>2.0}

# Dynamic method creation{foo: 1.0, bar: 2.0}).foo -> 1.0{foo: 1.0, bar: 2.0})[:foo] -> 1.0{foo: 1.0, bar: 2.0}).bar -> "NoMethodError: undefined method `bar' for {:foo=>1.0, :bar=>2.0}:MyStructishHash"{foo: 1.0, bar: 2.0})[:bar] -> 1.0

# Inherited functionality{foo: 1.0}).merge(bar: 2.0) -> {:foo=>1.0, :bar=>2.0}{foo: 1.0}).merge(bar: 2.0).class -> MyStructishHash

From the above example we can see that the validation is checking two properties - presence and class. Since the :foo key is validated, it is by default required to create the object. If the validation conditions are not met, we get clear errors telling us what is failing the validation. This is how we introduce rigidity and struct-like behaviour into the object.

We can also see that Structish obects are not restrictive, since any keys can be added to the constructor hash, but only the specified keys are validated. This is where the flexibility comes in.

The example also shows how the dynamic accessor methods are assigned - although in the last two lines we are defining {foo: 1.0, bar: 2.0} as the constructor, we only get .foo as an accessor method. This is by design - the idea is that the validated entries will in general be expected - any other entries are extra details, and not necessary to fully describe the object.

Finally we can see how Structish objects inherit the functionality from the parent class. Standard Ruby hash functions can be used freely with the new Structish objects, and (where applicable) we will get a new object of the same type as the object on which we are performing the operation. This is where the deep functionality comes in.

Note that the required class can be an array, and will pass if the value is an instance of one of the classes in the array.

When the required class is a Array, we can define a further requirement using the of: keyword to validate each element of the value array.

class MyStructishHash < Structish::Hash
    validate :foo, ::Array, of: Float
end{foo: 1.0}) -> "Structish::ValidationError: Class mismatch for foo. All values should be of type Float"{foo: [1.0, "bar"]}) -> "Structish::ValidationError: Class mismatch for foo. All values should be of type Float"{foo: [1.0, 2.0]}) -> {:foo=>[1.0, 2.0]}

Accessor aliasing

Instead of having the accessor methods be automatically named, we can define an alias for the method.

class MyStructishHash < Structish::Hash
    validate :foo, Float, alias_to: :aliased_method
end{foo: 1.0}).aliased_method -> 1.0

Optional attributes

Structish object attributes can be flagged as optional. The usage should be fairly intuitive:

class MyStructishHash < Structish::Hash
    validate :foo, Float, optional: true
end{}) -> {:foo=>nil}{}).foo -> nil

As shown above, when an attribute is missing from the constructor hash, the key gets added to the Structish object, and the accessor method is defined as usual.

Default values

When an attribute is flagged as optional, a default value can be assigned to the key. Assigning a default to a non-optional (required) key does nothing - instantiating the object without a required key will still raise an error, regardless of whether a default is defined.

class MyStructishHash < Structish::Hash
    validate :foo, Float, optional: true, default: 1.0
end{}) -> {:foo=>1.0}{}).foo -> 1.0
class MyStructishHash < Structish::Hash
    validate :foo, Float, default: 1.0
end{}) -> "Structish::ValidationError: Required value foo not present"

A useful feature of the default option is that you can map the value from one key to the default value:

class MyStructishHash < Structish::Hash
    validate :foo, Float
    validate :bar, Float, optional: true, default: assign(:foo)
end{foo: 1.0}) -> {:foo=>1.0, :bar=>1.0}{foo: 1.0}).foo -> 1.0{foo: 1.0}).bar -> 1.0

Type casting

Structish validations support forced type-casting. This occurs before data type validation, which means that we can potentially pass in an object which is not of the required class, but force type casting so that it passes the validation:

class StructishHashWithoutCasting < Structish::Hash
    validate :foo, Float
end{foo: "1"}) -> "Structish::ValidationError: Class mismatch for foo -> String. Should be a Float"

class StructishHashWithCasting < Structish::Hash
    validate :foo, Float, cast: true
end{foo: "1"}) -> {:foo=>1.0}{foo: "1"}).foo -> 1.0{foo: {}}) -> "NoMethodError: undefined method `to_f' for {}:Hash"

For common Ruby types (specifically String, Float, Integer, Symbol, Array, Hash) this uses the relevant to_x function, namely to_s, to_f, to_i, to_sym, to_a, to_h respectively. For any custom classes, this will call

Specific values

Structish objects are not limited to validating classes and presence - they can also validate specific values, using the one_of: key:

class MyStructishHash < Structish::Hash
    validate :foo, Float, one_of: [0.0, 1.0, 2.0]
end{foo: 1.0}) -> {:foo=>1.0}{foo: 5.0}) -> "Structish::ValidationError: Value not one of 0.0, 1.0, 2.0"

Global validations

Structable objects allow for validations at the global level, i.e. validations that apply to every value in the object. Global validations are defined almost identically to individual validations, with the exception that they do not specify the key:

class MyStructishHash < Structish::Hash
    validate_all Float
end{foo: 1.0, bar: 2.0}) -> {:foo=>1.0, :bar=>2.0}{foo: 1.0, bar: "2.0"}) -> "Structish::ValidationError: Class mismatch for bar -> String. Should be a Float"

The validate_all function can perform all the same validations as the individual validations, and can also be mixed and matched with individual validations.

Accessor block mutations

A nifty feature of Structish object is, within the validation, we can define a block which mutates the output of the dynamic accessor method:

class MyStructishHash < Structish::Hash
    validate :foo, Float, do |num|
        num * 2
end 5.0)[:validated_key] -> 5.0 5.0).validated_key -> 10.0

It is important to realize that the mutation only applies to the dynamically created accessor method. We still want to allow access to the original data - the idea here is that the accessor method can perform any operations on the original value, while the hash version stores the original data.

Function delegations

Along with dynamically created accessor methods, we can create delegations, so that calling a function on the Structish object returns the result of calling it on the specified attribute.

class MyStructishHash < Structish::Hash
    validate :foo, String

    delegate :downcase, :foo
    delegate :upcase, :foo
end "HeLlo").downcase -> "hello" "HeLlo").upcase -> "HELLO"

Custom validations

We can define custom validations, which may contain any logic that returns a truthy or falsey value. The validation class must inherit from Structish::Validation and must override the validate method. The accessible attribute to the class are value and conditions - value is the value detected for that key, and conditions are the conditions defined in the validation on the class.

class PositiveNumber < Structish::Validation
    def validate
        value > 0

class MyStructishHash < Structish::Hash
    validate :foo, Float, validation: PositiveNumber
end{foo: 0.0}) -> "Structish::ValidationError: Custom validation PositiveNumberStructishValidation not met"{foo: 1.0}) -> {:foo=>1.0}

Custom Structish data types

There are four custom 'classes' available for validation:

  • Structish::Number passes for Integer or Float
  • Structish::Boolean passes for TrueClass or FalseClass
  • Structish::Primitive passes for TrueClass, FalseClass, String, Float, or Integer
  • Structish::Any passes for any class

Although these are used like classes, they are in fact constants in the Structish which are given values of an array of the relevant classes (or nil in the case of Structish::Any). This is for simplicity, since the standard validations can accept arrays of classes.