Contentful Structured Text Renderer

Contentful provides a content infrastructure for digital teams to power content in websites, apps, and devices. Unlike a CMS, Contentful was built to integrate with the modern software stack. It offers a central hub for structured content, powerful management and delivery APIs, and a customizable web app that enable developers and content creators to ship digital products faster.

This library provides rendering capabilities for the StructuredText field type. It is recommended to be used alongside the Contentful Delivery SDK. By default this library will serialize StructuredText fields into it's corresponding HTML representation. All behaviour can be overridden to serialize to different formats.


Install Contentful Structured Text Renderer from RubyGems:

gem install structured_text_renderer


Create a renderer:

require 'structured_text_renderer'

renderer =

Render your document:


Using different renderers

There are many cases in which HTML serialization is not what you want. Therefore, all renderers are overridable when creating a StructuredTextRenderer.

Also, if you're planning to embed entries within your structured text, overriding the 'embedded-entry-block' mapping is a must, as by default it only does <div>#{entry.to_s}</div>.

You can override the configuration like follows:

renderer =
  'embedded-entry-block' => MyEntryBlockRenderer

Where MyEntryBlockRenderer requires to have a #render(node) method and needs to return a string.

An example entry renderer, assuming our entry has 2 fields called name and description could be:

class MyEntryBlockRenderer < StructuredTextRenderer::BaseNodeRenderer
  def render(node)
    entry = node['data']

    "<div class='my-entry'><h3>#{}</h3><p><small>#{entry.description}</p></small></div>"

Dealing with unknown node types

By default, this gem will treat all unknown node types as errors and will raise an exception letting the user know which node mapping is missing. If you wish to remove this behaviour then replace the nil key of the mapping with a NullRenderer that returns an empty string, or something similar.

An example would be like follows:

class SilentNullRenderer < StructuredTextRenderer::BaseNodeRenderer
  def render(node)

renderer =
  nil => SilentNullRenderer


Copyright (c) 2018 Contentful GmbH. See LICENSE for further details.


Feel free to improve this tool by submitting a Pull Request.