Exception: MlClassInUseException

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The mailing classes table is the table defining the behaviour of the mailing lists, and is, in a way, the heart of how sugoi-mail works.

Rather than simply making a distinction between, say, email-address forwarding (the service offered by pobox.com) and mailing list management, everything in Sugoi-Mail is a mailing list. What kind of mailing list it is, is defined in the mailing list classes table.

Delivery Attributes


Whether the list is open to the public or not.

true:    anyone can post to it (spammy!)
false:   only members can post to it   <-- DEFAULT

Determines who can send mail to the mailing list

true:    only the owner can post to it
false:   other people can post to it   <-- DEFAULT

Determines whether mail goes straight to all addressees, or needs to be approved by the owner first.

true:    posted messages go to the owner first
false:   posted messages are broadcast <-- DEFAULT

Address List Editing Attributes


Whether subscription requests need to be confirmed, via an opt-in mechanism or not.

true:    subscriptions have to be confirmed <-- DEFAULT
false:   subscriptions happen automatically

Whether the general public can join a mailing list or not. If not, then only the owner can edit the address list.

true:    people can subscribe to the list at will <- DEFAULT
false:   only the owner can subscribe or unsubscribe people

Other Attributes


Whether messages are retained after delivery or not.

true:    Messages will be stored after they're delivered (useful for
         mailing list archives online)
false:   Messages will be discarded after delivery (probably what
         people who want to use sugoi-mail for forwarding want)