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Sundown is a Ruby gem/wrapper for Yahoo Weather API. Sundown is compatible with 1.9.3 +, and with almost all ruby frameworks. You don't need to have a Yahoo Developer account to start using gem, Yahoo Weather API provides free API calls upto 2k queries. This gem queries weather information from Yahoo Weather API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sundown'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install sundown


Require gem in your code class.

require 'sundown'

You can access weather data by using two different class depends on your usage, since we've a limited query calls to Yahoo API(2K/day), we should query all data at once and serve it later without firing queries.

Use Location class (less query calls and faster )

Using location is recommended in a high traffic scenario, this method does make create instance the first time, resulting less queries and faster performance.

Create a instance object for Location.

location ='location_name/woeid')

NOTE: You can use zipcode to find information but make sure you put country before zip code. eg. 'india 680689'

location.temperature  =>  Returns temp. in Farenheit.
location.temperature('c') =>  Returns temp. in Celsious.

Each time when you call location.temperature you are reusing weather data from existing instance, so it may not serve latest information, instance doesn't refresh weather information unless you call refresh on that object.

To delete current weather information instance,

location.refresh   =>  Deletes current weather instance.

To get timestamp of weather information(Weather recorded time) you can call timestamp on that object.

To get current weather timestamp,

location.timestamp   =>  Deletes current weather instance.

Use Weather class (Fires query each time, less perfomance)

Whenever you call this method, a query will be fired to find weather information, meaning you can only call this 2K/day(due to 2k/day limit from Yahoo). This method will return latest weather information, also this method takes more time as it needs to fetch weather information from Yahoo API.

temperature = Sundown::Weather.temperature('location_name/woeid')

Use parameter 'c' to get temperature in Celsius.

Terms of Use

The above feeds are provided free of charge for use by individuals and non-profit organizations for personal, non-commercial uses. Yahoo reserve all rights in and to the Yahoo logo, and your right to use the Yahoo logo is limited to providing attribution in connection with these RSS feeds.


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request