The SupportsPointer gem loads a concern to allow support for parsing and generation of various pointer types
Add the following to your model:
parses_pointer :pointer_name_as_symbol,
template:/regexp(?<with_captures>.*)for(?<each_field>)/,{|data| data[:with_captures].find_by(some_param:data[:other_capture]),{|target| "#{target.some_attr}:#{target.other_attr}"}
if the pointer being declared is a model pointer, or model_instance pointer, simply declare:
parses_pointer :model
# and/or
parses_pointer :model_instance
if you use a model or model instance pointer that requires special handling (ie:alternate index param) you can overwrite the default resolver or generator with
pointer_resolution {|data| some_block_to_resolve_pointer}
# or
pointer_generation {|data| some_block_to_generate_pointer}
Pointers are inherited like any other method. For instance, model & model instance can be declared on ApplicationRecord to allow parsing from any model in the project. However, pointers can also be parsed by other classes where the declaration is outside the class hierarchy. Lets say you have a "handle" pointer defined directly on class User, of the format "@username"
parses_pointer :handle, template:/\^(?<handle>\w*)/, resolve:{|data| User.find_by handle:data[:handle]}
pointer_generation :handle do |data| # feel free to mix-and-match between single-statement declarations
"@#{data.handle}" # and using pointer_resolution or pointer_generation methods.
In the above example only the "User" model will be able to generate, parse or resolve "handle" pointers. To allow another model (say, "Widget", for example) to resolve user handles you'd add the following to class Widget:
uses_pointer :handle, from:User
This will allow the Widget class to access the handle pointer.
A pointer can be parsed by calling parse_pointer
on any model or object
which supports the pointer type in question. In situations where a string matches
the regexp of multiple pointer types, you can specify the pointer_type used for parsing with parse_{pointer_type_name}_pointer
such as parse_model_pointer
or parse_model_instance_pointer
When declaring model & model instance pointers, it may be helpful to declare a to_pointer
method, returning generate_model_pointer
and generate_model_instance_pointer
def self.to_pointer
return generate_model_pointer(self)
def to_pointer
return generate_model_instance_pointer(self)
For more information, see the BlogPost and User models in /spec/dummy/models
Note that while the dummy app contains a model called SettingsModel, this is being
used to develop a pointer methodology to reference data inside a model's hash attributes.
Documentation will be updated when the methodology is complete.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "supports_pointer"
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install supports_pointer
Feel free to fork the repo. Pull requests are welcome for features and bug-fixes!
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.