Swift DB
Swift DB is a lightweight and clean In memory Distributed Database written in pure ruby. It can also be used as a new distributed datastructure(B+ Tree) in ruby.
via Ruby Gem: gem install swift_db
via Github: https://github.com/ask4prasath/swift_db
* Stores Data in a Inmemory (B+ tree) Datastructure
* Executes Various kinds of queries(Provides variety of range search)
* Supports RegEx Search
* Returns Result using Table.rb Object model.
require 'rubygems'
require 'swift_db'
include Db::Core
person = Table.new(3) #Where 3 is the Node Structure The minimum you give the better the performance but takes some memoryh
person.insert(1, "Michael Ken")
person.insert(2, "John Key")
person.insert(3, "stacy")
For Searching:
person.search(1) => ["Michael Ken"] #Fetches Person With primary key 1
person.search(3, DB::Core::Common::Comparison::LT) => ["Michael Ken", "John Key"] #Fetches Person whose primary key lesser than 3
person.search(2, DB::Core::Common::Comparison::GT) => ["stacy"] #Fetches Person whose primary key greater than 2
person.search(3, DB::Core::Common::Comparison::NEQ) => ["Michael Ken", "John Key"] #Fetches Person whose primary key not equal to 3