Specification of Events

Events are managed by Syndi's event systems, each of which is an instance of Syndi::API::Events.

$m.events manages the Syndi events, which is to say the central events, while libraries have their own individual events systems.

Syndi::DSL::Base provides #on, #emit, #undo_on, etc., which all provide easy distinction between the individual event systems. :syndi, for example, indicates the central system, whereas :irc indicates the IRC event system.



This event occurs when Syndi is starting, and each library is expected to await this event and upon its occurrence, initiate any of their processes.

:die |reason|

reason (String): The reason for termination.

This occurs when Syndi is terminating.

:net_receive |socket_object|

socket_object (Object): The object with which the socket (.socket) is associated.

This occurs when the socket associated with socket_object has data waiting to be read (as determined by select()).


This event occurs when the configuration file is successfully reprocessed and reloaded.


:preconnect |irc|

irc (Syndi::IRC::Server): The IRC connection.

This event occurs when we are about to register (i.e., send USER, CAP LS) on the server and initiate connection.

:receive |irc, data|

irc (Syndi::IRC::Server): The IRC connection.
data (String): The line of data.

This event occurs when data has been removed from the receive queue and is ready for processing, with newlines and carriage returns stripped.

:connected |irc|

irc (Syndi::IRC::Server): The IRC connection.

This event occurs after ISUPPORT has been received and processed, and the connection is fully established.

Typically, at this point, any traditional service identification and syndijoining occurs.

:disconnect |irc, reason|

irc (Syndi::IRC::Server): The IRC connection.
reason (String): The reason for which we are disconnecting.

This event occurs when we're about to disconnect from the given server.

:send_join |irc, channel, key|

irc (Syndi::IRC::Server): The IRC connection.
channel (String): The channel which we are attempting to join.
key (String or nil): The key, if provided.

This event occurs when we try to join a channel.

:send_nick |irc, nickname|

irc (Syndi::IRC::Server): The IRC connection.
nickname (String): The nickname we are trying to use.

This occurs when we try to change our nickname with /NICK.

:self_who |irc|

irc (Syndi::IRC::Server): The IRC connection.

This occurs when we send a /WHO on ourselves.

irc:onWhoReply [all strs](irc*, nick, username, host, realname, awaystatus, server)

This event occurs when the bot receives RPL_WHOREPLY (numeric 352) in response to a /WHO. Note that awaystatus =~ /H/ will be true if the user is not away, while awaystatus =~ /G/ will be true if the user is away (H meaning here, G meaning gone).