
Ruby utility that shows syntax highlighted code in your browser


  1. Provide an easy way to view and print syntax highlighted source code
  2. Enable file selection or rejection in an intuitive way


Synful is a command line utility that will render syntax highlighted source code in your browser. Simply indicate the file or directory path names with optional file extensions to include or exclude. Synful will generate a nice index and an entry for each file and it will serve up the content and launch you web browser to view it. Once the request has been served, the server will close down and exit. If you'd like to keep the server running so that you can make changes and hit refresh, there is an option to do that also. All syntax highlighting is made possible by the amazing Rouge library.


$ synful winr/bin/winr censive/lib/censive.rb

A more complicated example is:

synful -f -x spec,ru lib test /tmp/example.rb -- -test/boring-results.txt

This will keep synful in the foreground (the -f option) and will exclude all files with the .spec or .ru extensions. It will also include files from the lib/ and test/ directories as well as the /tmp/example.rb file. Even though the test/boring-results.txt file should be rendered, we have disabled it via the - (minus sign or dash) in front of its filename. Note that to use this type of negation, we need to precede it with a "double-dash" -- to tell synful that we are done with the normal command options.


Install via rubygems with:

gem install synful


$ synful -h

usage: synful [options] <paths ...> [--] <-paths_to_skip ...>
    -b, --bypass                     Bypass (skip over) top comments (begin with "#") in files
    -f, --foreground                 Stay in the foreground, allows more requests
    -h, --help                       Show help and command usage
    -i, --include <exts>             Comma list of extensions to include (incompatible with -x)
    -x, --exclude <exts>             Comma list of extensions to exclude (incompatible with -i)


This software is licensed under terms of the MIT License.