One Wire

This is a ruby gem offering binding to w1-gpio kernel module.

GPIO w1 bus master driver by Ville Syrjala [email protected]


w1-gpio module should be loaded,

modprobe w1-gpio

depending on the device you want to control load one of these.

modprobe -a w1_bq27000 w1_ds2413 w1_ds2431 w1_ds2760 w1_ds2781 w1_therm w1_ds2408 w1_ds2423 w1_ds2433 w1_ds2780 w1_ds28e04 w1_smem 

and of course

gem 'sysfs_one_wire'
gem install sysfs_one_wire

for loading after reboot and depending on your OS you could try following commands




You will also need to activate the device tree :

cat 'dtoverlay=w1-gpio' > /boot/config.txt


    OneWire.slaves # return the paths of the slaves
    OneWire.find(/2GAE/) # return the paths of corresponding slave.

    OneWire.load(path) # return the devices objects for a given path
    OneWire.devices # return all the devices objects


class Mermory < OneWire::Base

  PREFIX = %w{06 08 0A 0C}
  attr_reader :last_value

  def value
    @last_value = @value
    @value = w1_slave[/some regexp to isolate the content/, 1]

  def value= arg
   @last_value = @value
   File.write(File.join(@path.to_s, 'w1_slave'), arg)


This is a work in progress. It only support thermometer for now, but will be extented (and this is quite easy to do it)

If you need more, Maxim's Integrated offers a whole filesystem with OWFS

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Need this? come and give a hand !