
The ultimate keep-your-files-organized solution!

Moves your files into directories that represent tags, these tags are kept organized as a hierarchy according to usage.

Tag all your files with multiple tags, and watch them end up organized!

Relies on convention-only, no FUSE, no symbolic links, no hard links. No special tools required.


$ gem install tagmv


$ tagmv file1 file2 directory1 directory2 -t tag1 tag2 tag3

This will move your files and directories into:


As you tag more files and folders, it will re-order the tag directories by the most commonly used tags, keeping your files automatically organized for you.

Current features

Default root directory for all your tagged files is ~/t/ (not configurable yet)


Configuration file: ~/.tagmv.yml

Supports top level tags - so that you can "pin" certain tags to always show as the top level directories within ~/t/


-d, --dry-run Check to see what gets moved where

-r, --reorder [default] Move everything in ~/t/ into order of tag usage (example: tagmv -r)

-s, --skip-reorder Skip reorder (e.g. you are editing tagged files and don't want them moved around yet)

-t, --tags *tags Tags for your files or directories, as many as you want

Upcoming features

Dealing with tags - remove specific tags, rename/merge similar tags, listing tags, etc.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/foucist/tagmv.