
Ruby client for Drucker event tracking system.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'taroko-drucker'

And then execute:

$ bundle


Setup your application unique ID into Drucker:

# config/initializers/drucker.rb
Taroko::Drucker.setup do |config|
  config.project_id = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID' # must be a UUID


To send an event to Drucker:

Taroko::Drucker::Event.create(event_type: 'purchase', count: 1)
# returns `true` if event sent to Drucker successfully, otherwise `false`.

# or

event = Taroko::Drucker.new
event.create(event_type: 'purchase', count: 1)
# returns `true` if event sent to Drucker successfully, otherwise `false`.

Taroko::Drucker::Event.create accepts following parameters:

Name Required Data type Description Example
event_type yes string/symbol Event type :renewal, 'renewal', :purchase, 'purchase', etc
count yes integer Event happens times 1, 2, etc
user_id no UUID Unique ID of the user e1cc5111-33db-491c-9e73-fca4953bec34
user_attributes no hash Data which describes the user { first_name: 'Jon', last_name: 'Snow' }
attributes no hash Data which describes the event { session_id: 'adsfsadf' }

Notice that if you send incorrect type of params, it'll raise ArgumentError with messages.

Debug mode

Sometimes you want to know the response from Drucker:

event_agent = Taroko::Drucker::Event.new
event_agent.create(params) # returns `false` if event is not record by Drucker correctly.
event_agent.error #=> { status: 400, body: 'error message from Drucker server' }


Run all tests:

bundle exec rake


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/resumecompanion/drucker-client-ruby.