Instructions for Tasci File Merger


  1. Install Ruby.

    • Download Ruby 2.1.5 (x64) installer.
    • Install to desired RUBY_DIRECTORY
    • Choose option to add ruby to PATH
    • Choose option to associate *.rb files with Ruby
  2. Verify ruby installation.

    • Go into command line.
    • Enter ruby -v
    • Ouput should look like ruby 2.1.5p273...
    • Enter gem -v
    • Output should look like 2.2.2
  3. Fix potential RubyGems certificate bug, as documented on this page

    • Try running gem install activesupport --no-ri --no-rdoc
    • Click Allow access if prompted by Windows Firewall message, choosing option for Private networks
    • If installation fails with an SSL_error, follow the following steps:
    • Save certificate file from this website to the Downloads directory.
    • Make sure file is saved with the *.pem extension
    • Find rubygems folder location by typing gem which rubygems into the console. You should get output like C:/Ruby21/lib/ruby/2.1.0/rubygems.rb
    • Locate the directory and open it in an explorer window. For the above path, the directory would be C:\Ruby21\lib\ruby\2.1.0\rubygems
    • Open the ssl_certs directory, and copy the previously-downloaded *.pem file into this directory.
    • Close and re-open a console window.
  4. Install required gem.

    • Run:
    gem install tasci_merger

Usage in IRB

  1. Open console and run irb to open interactive ruby console.

  2. Run require 'tasci_merger'

  3. Create tasci merger object:

  1. Create master file:
  1. Create 2 merged files:

Command-line Usage

The ruby gem makes the tasci_merger command available.

The command takes the following parameters:


The command creates a master file and two merged files in the output directory.

Example Usage:

  merge_tasci 3441GX X:/TasciFilesFor3441GX C:/Circadian

This command would create the 2 files in the C:/Circadian directory.