TCPClient version

Use your TCP connections with working timeout.


This gem implements a customizable TCP client class that gives you control over time limits. You can set time limits for individual read or write calls or set a deadline for entire call sequences. It has a very small footprint, no dependencies and is easily useable.


require 'tcp-client'

# create a configuration:
# - don't use internal buffering
# - use at least TLS 1.2
cfg =
    buffered: false,
    ssl_params: {
      min_version: :TLS1_2

# request to
# - limit all network interactions to 1.5 seconds
# - use the Configuration cfg
# - send a simple HTTP get request
# - read the returned message and headers
response =
  TCPClient.with_deadline(1.5, '', cfg) do |client|
    client.write("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n") #=> 40
    client.readline("\r\n\r\n") #=> see response


For more samples see the examples dir


You can install the gem in your system with

gem install tcp-client

You can use Bundler to add TCPClient to your own project:

bundle add 'tcp-client'

After that you only need one line of code to have everything together

require 'tcp-client'